“We got a problem, Travis. Someone knows who Gemma is.”
Travis paused as he tucked his boots under his jeans. “How the hell did that happen?”
“Hell if I know, but I just got off the phone with Carol at Country Weekly, who said she was calling out of courtesy. Someone knows who Gemma is and is making a buttload of money passing on the information.”
“Fuck.” He wasn’t ready to go on record about them, especially with Gemma being so gun shy about the press. “Can you see if Carol will hold the story until next week, and I’ll give her an exclusive?”
“I can do that, but Travis, if other people know who Gemma is, then they know where you are, and it won’t be long until they start heading up there to get their own stories.”
Travis pinched the bridge of his nose and cursed, trying to wrack his brain for a way to tell Gemma, but nothing came to mind. “I just need the weekend, George. I just need a little more time.”
“I hope Gemma appreciates all the pressure you’re putting on me, son.”
Travis hung up the phone, wanting to hit something. It had to be someone from Rock Canyon who’d given her up. He had introduced her to Callum and others as Gemma but hadn’t shared her last name, at least he didn’t think he had. Maybe he should tell Gemma about the leak and hide them away until he could do some damage control.
Except tonight they were taking Charlie to the fair, and he had been looking forward to their family “date.” Gemma had allowed this to count as date number two, and Charlie was going to a friend’s house afterward. He had something special planned for her tonight as well, and he really didn’t want to ruin the progress they’d made.
Maybe he had a couple of days, just enough time to solidify their relationship. Big George could handle it.
“Dad, are you coming?” Charlie yelled.
Travis stood up and headed down the hallway, giving himself one last mental pep talk. It was perfectly okay to want to enjoy these last few days before they had to make some big decisions about their future together, and that was just what he was going to do. Leaving his worries behind, he walked into the living room and found Charlie sitting on the couch.
“Ready to go. Where’s your mom?”
“She’s outside, talking to Evan’s mom on the phone. I already told her that Evan said his mom said I could spend the night, but she always has to check up on me,” Charlie said, making a face.
Travis looked down at his son and said seriously, “You’re lucky. I wish I had been lucky enough to have a mom like yours when I was growing up.”
Charlie looked up at him in surprise. “Where was your mom?”
“She died when I was five. But even before that, she was never a good mom.”
Charlie was quiet for a while, and Travis added, “I’m not trying to make you feel bad. I just want you to appreciate that you have it pretty good. You’ve got a great mom who loves you, and you need to understand she’s just trying to protect you.”
“Sorry, Dad,” Charlie said softly.
Travis knelt down and saw the tears in his son’s eyes. Gathering him into his arms, he said, “Ah, kid, don’t be. I’m sorry.”
Charlie sniffled against his shoulder, and Travis whispered, “You know, you don’t just have a great mom. You’ve got a dad who loves you no matter what. Okay? Even if I don’t agree with something you do or say, you’ll always be my son.”
“Promise?” Charlie whispered.
Travis felt his own eyes sting. “I promise, Charlie.”
GEMMA WALKED BEHIND Travis and Charlie as they weaved through the game booths at the fair. The minute they’d walked through the gate, Charlie had hit the ground running, and Gemma was just glad he hadn’t been trying to force her onto the rides.
Charlie finally stopped in front of the Tilt-A-Whirl and hollered at her, “Hurry up, Mom!”
“I thought your dad was going with you.”
Travis’s arm snaked out to grab her waist, pulling her against his side. “Plenty of room for the three of us to ride together.”
“Just what I always wanted,” she said dryly, “to puke while being squished.”
He kissed the side of her neck and whispered, “It’ll be fun.”
She blushed as Charlie pretended to ignore them. When the ride operator opened the gate, they climbed into the car, with Charlie in the middle. As Gemma caught Travis’s gaze over the top of Charlie’s head, she smiled happily.