His heart slamming in his chest at her admission, he wanted to believe her. He wanted it to be true, and that she wasn’t just being nostalgic or lonely. “Why?”

Watching her face as she stared at him boldly, he held his breath. “Because I love you.” Pulling her hands from his grasp, she touched his cheek softly and pleaded, “Make love to me, Trav.”

Despite his doubts, he wanted her too much to say no.

GEMMA MOANED AS Travis lowered his head and ran his mouth along the sensitive skin of her neck, her hands skimming over his shoulders and back. She could feel the steel of his erection pressed against her and ached to get closer, but Travis wasn’t letting her speed things along.

Slowly, he helped her sit up and pull her dress over her head. His big hands covered her breasts before she had a chance to feel self-conscious, and just the slide of his rough touch on her sensitive flesh made her squirm and cup the back of his head with her hand, bringing his mouth back to hers. Flat on her back again, he shifted off her slightly and moved his hands from her breasts to reach down to her panties.

Wiggling, she tried to help him. Protesting when he pulled away from her, she stopped when he grabbed the sides of her undies, bringing them down one slow inch at a time, exposing her skin to the cool air and his warm mouth. He used his lips and tongue on her flesh, her thighs, the dimple of her knee, and the arch of her foot. Tossing her panties across the room, he made his way back up, brushing her calves and inner thighs with his lips so softly it made her tingle and jerk.

When his hot breath met the sensitive flesh between her legs, she grabbed the blanket with her fists and arched up with a soft whine, wanting him to just take her. Instead, his searching mouth found the small nub hidden beneath her wet folds and tongued her mercilessly, sucking the hard flesh into his mouth and flicking it quickly back and forth.

Grabbing a pillow, she bit into it to smother her cries of ecstasy as she felt the pressure between her legs build until the heavy throb turned into a drumbeat and she came hard. Muscles trembling and legs taut, she shook with the aftereffects of her orgasm.

It took her a minute to come up through the fog and realize that his warmth was gone. Her hazy gaze found him next to the bed, stripping and grabbing a condom from his duffel bag. Holding out her arms, she sighed when he came back to her, settling his hardness against the opening of her spread thighs. She reached up to stroke his face, and he didn’t look away as he slowly slipped inside her, the throbbing starting back up again.

Lifting her mouth to his, she kissed him as he pushed himself all the way in, and she felt so complete that tears filled her eyes. His tongue brushed against hers, and when he still didn’t move, she broke the kiss to whisper, “Is something wrong?”

He shook his head, then dropped his forehead to hers. “No, Gem, everything is just right.”

Slowly, he started to move, and the tension inside her rebuilt as they kissed, touched, and whispered tender words. Gemma held on tight to his biceps as she started to climb again and gasped, “Almost.”

Still moving at a steady pace, he didn’t waver until she fell apart, her cry of pleasure caught by his eager mouth. A few seconds later, she felt him stiffen and flex inside her, his groan of release meshing with hers.

Trying to catch her breath, she said, “I don’t think I can move.”

His laugh was shaky. “Me neither.”

Still feeling his hardness inside her, she squirmed a little. “Didn’t you . . . come?”

“Yeah, I went. It just takes a while to go down,” he said, smiling in the dark.

Slipping out of her, he rolled to his side, and she reached out for him, protesting, “I didn’t say you needed to get off me.”

He kissed her nose and responded, “Staying inside you wasn’t helping my erection go away. You’re so tight and warm . . . .”

“Shut up,” she hissed, covering his mouth with her hand in mortification.

Laughing behind her palm, he reached up and moved it away, giving it a soft kiss in the center. “I’m going to get cleaned up.”

That was her cue, and she climbed off the bed. “Yeah, I should get to my own bed.”

“Hey.” He reached out and grabbed her hand. “You don’t need to go yet.”

“But if Charlie has a nightmare or something . . .”

“We’ll hear him. You can grab one of my T-shirts and run to the rescue, but I’m not ready to let you go.” He swung his legs to the floor and pulled her between them, bringing her back into the circle of his arms. Kissing her lips, he held her tight, and she melted into him, unable to say no.

Finally breaking the kiss, he said, “Now get back into that bed and wait for me.”

Standing up, he lifted her back onto the bed with a grin and left the room. She heard the fauce

t turn on in the bathroom and cuddled under the blankets, her eyes drifting as she waited for him. Sleepily, she heard the water turn off and before too long, a warm male body curled up along her body.

Lips settled over the back of her neck, he whispered, “Are you ready for round two?”

Wiggling her butt against him, she teased, “Are you?”