“Why? You didn’t like the food?”
“I was just nervous,” she said, leaning her chin on his chest as she smiled up at him. “Now all I care about is food and you. Naked.”
A surprised chuckle escaped him as he took her hand and guided her through the crowd and out of O’Shea’s main ballroom. Passing by the conference room, Travis pointed to the sign outside. “Lovers of Romance Kiss Awards. Isn’t that the thing you’re here for?”
Gemma nodded. “Yep. I wanted to see if my favorite author would win. She writes Regency romances. I love the language and mannerisms of Regency England. So formal and romantic, don’t you think?”
“I really wouldn’t know,” he said, steadying her by the elbow.
What in the hell is Regency? Is that like lords and ladies crap?
“Why is the jewelry store open?” she asked suddenly, and he saw her hands drift down to the pretty teardrop diamond around her neck.
“Not for taking back your necklace, if that’s what you’re thinking,” he said.
Her hand dropped and she gave him a dark look. “It was too much.”
Stopping to kiss her upturned nose, he said, “No it wasn’t.”
“Mmm, yes it was, but it’s still beautiful,” she said.
“Okay, so come on. The night is young, we’re in the city that doesn’t sleep—”
“Pretty sure that’s New York,” Gemma interrupted as they passed the big fountain in the lobby.
“Okay, fine, but still, nothing closes here. So, what do you want to do? We could grab food and do some gambling, take a limo ride around the city—”
“You have a limo?” Gemma asked, her voice squeaky with excitement.
“Well, I can get one,” he said, grinning.
“I’ve never been in one before,” she said as they walked out of the front doors.
Shrugging out of his suit jacket, he laid it across her shoulders. “Stay right here. I’ll be back.”
Walking away with a grin, he went to talk to the concierge.
Chapter Five
* * *
GEMMA STOOD OUTSIDE the hotel, fanning her cheeks. It was still ninety degrees at ten o’clock at night, and she could already feel a sheen of sweat coating her skin. Taking Travis’s jacket off her shoulders, it almost slipped through her clumsy fingers, and she about lost her balance as she reached for it.
Whew, sailor, might want to slow down on those drinks.
She hadn’t planned on getting drunk, just loose, but by the way her world was spinning, she might have had too much.
Travis came out of the hotel, a wide grin on his face. “Let’s take a walk.”
“But I thought you were getting a limo,” she said, confused as he took her hand.
“We are. I just thought we’d walk along the Strip a bit.”
She let him lead her down the sidewalk, her feet screaming in protest. With all the dancing they’d done, and not being used to heels, she didn’t know how far she’d get in the three-inch nightmares. Studying the dirty sidewalk, though, left her even less inclined to go barefoot.
She stopped and pleaded, “Travis, my feet hurt. Maybe we could just . . . whoa.”
Travis had bent over to heft her into his arms, but he took a few steps as if he was off balance. Giggling, she said, “Don’t drop me!”