But she wasn’t done with him, and it was her turn to make him lose it. She shifted down his body until her mouth settled over his cock, satisfied to hear him groan as she took him deeper. She had loved doing this to Travis, loved the feel of him in her mouth, and how out of control it made him. It had been a heady, powerful feeling for her as a teenager, but as a woman, it was even better.
“God, Gemma, stop,” Travis cried, removing his hand from her, and she protested briefly as he jerked her up. Suddenly, the room spun, and she was on her back, looking up into Travis’s passion-filled face, and her heart was in her throat as for a split second she realized that this was it. She was about to make love to a man she used to love but hardly knew anymore. A man who had probably been with scores of women.
His mouth covered hers and her hands gripped his shoulders, holding tight as the tip of him butted against her. In a moment of panic, she pulled away and whispered, “Condom.”
She had an IUD but it never hurt to be safe. While Travis slipped off the bed and grabbed his pants, Gemma could feel the voice of reason screaming.
If I do this, I can’t take it back.
She was a terrible, selfish person and, in a way, wasn’t she taking advantage of Travis? She was using him to satisfy an itch she hadn’t scratched because she’d been worried about rumors spreading, but considering who was currently standing naked by the bed, wasn’t this worse than hooking up with a stranger?
No one ever has to know. I can tell Gracie and Mike about lunch, but this will just be mine. My little secret.
Then Travis was back, and as his big body slid over her, his cock nestling between her legs, she forgot why she shouldn’t do this and bent her knees. As he sank into her, stretching the tight walls of her channel, Gemma held on, rocking with him as his cock moved inside her. The tips of her breasts rubbed a
gainst his chest hair and the tingles spread, increasing the pleasure washing over her. Heavy pressure built as he stroked her and shifted his position slightly, pulling out until only the tip remained. She held on tight, trying to bring him back to her; the closeness of Travis’s body on hers, the way he cocooned her with his arms, was comforting, and she didn’t want to lose his warmth.
He dropped his mouth to hers, the gentle sweep of his lips a direct contrast to the way he slammed back into her fast, but there was no pain. As her muscles gripped him, she screamed against his mouth, and the fireworks behind her closed eyelids exploded into gorgeous lights. Her fingers dug into his arms as he rode her hard, and she felt his rhythm slip when he tore his mouth from hers, letting go with a groan.
Her body still humming, Gemma’s hands drifted over Travis’s shoulders, and she tried to tell herself that it was totally worth whatever guilt might hit her later.
TRAVIS HELD GEMMA against his side, her soft brown hair tickling his chest. He was afraid to move or speak, worried that if he broke the mood, she’d kick him out and run. He got the feeling she was still holding out on him, keeping secrets. But as frustrating as it was, she didn’t owe him anything.
His hand drifted over her back as he thought about their lovemaking, a mix of gentleness and fire. It had taken him back, making him compare the fast, frantic quickies in his truck to the gentleness of their first time. This had been more desperate, and he knew that although he never lacked women who wanted him, true passion had been lacking in his life.
Or maybe it’s just Gemma I was missing.
He couldn’t dwell on that thought, not so soon. He needed to take things one day at a time, starting with today. She was still holding back a part of herself, he could feel it, and he knew if he pushed, she’d close down. Gemma had never been one for confrontation.
Maybe if he suggested a way for them to take things slow, get to know each other again . . . He had a few weeks off before his tour picked up again and no reason to head back to Nashville. Maybe he could head up to Rock Canyon, see how things had changed, not just with Gemma, but with the only place he’d ever called home.
“Travis? Travis, are you asleep?”
Gemma’s question broke into his thoughts, and he kissed the top of her head. “No, just thinking.”
“Hmmm, me, too,” she said, her finger making little patterns on his chest.
“Anything I should be worried about?” he asked, praying she’d say no.
“No. Actually, I’m thinking if I’m going to go downstairs, I should probably get into the shower.”
Travis turned his head to look at the clock and knew she was right but was loath to release her. “Want some company?”
Her body shook with laughter. “Yes, but I’m afraid if I let you join me, I’ll never make it in time.”
His chest rose with a sigh. “You’re probably right. Besides, I’m supposed to go over some things with my manager this afternoon.”
“Ah, Big George. How is he?”
Big George had visited her dad’s morning show, and she had apparently charmed the old boy so much, he’d been willing to listen to a demo of Travis’s music that she’d snuck out of his room. When Big George had showed up at Buck’s and approached him after his set, Travis had been floored but flattered. And when he’d realized what Gemma had done, he’d discovered exactly how lucky he was to have found her.
“I keep losing you,” Gemma whispered, and he jerked out of his musings.
“I asked how Big George was and suddenly you were a million miles away,” she said, sitting up.
He opened his mouth to answer, but her phone started ringing. Before he could stop her, she was off the bed, leaping across the room to her purse. Admiring the sight, he smiled.