Becca piped up. “We dress you up like a bride-to-be, tell everyone you are getting married, and voilà, free shots all night!”
“That’s dishonest,” Katie said.
“Katie, stop channeling your mother and get your butt over here!” Steph said, holding the door open.
Katie walked in after Becca, and the woman behind the desk didn’t look at them. Katie felt her face heat up with embarrassment at the movie posters on the walls and the large section of costumes. Steph walked over to a display of bins and pulled out a pink, sparkly shot glass on a chain. In big black letters it read I’M TYING THE KNOT, BUY ME A SHOT!
“I don’t know about this . . .” Katie said.
Becca took her hand and started pulling her toward a black curtain at the edge of the room. “Trust us. This is going to be hilarious.”
KATIE’S STOMACH HURT, she’d laughed so hard. Between the things she’d seen and the girls’ antics to make her laugh . . .
Well, she felt better than what any sad, sappy movie could have accomplished.
They each carried hot pink bags to the car and climbed inside.
“Okay, bride-to-be, you need your veil.” Steph pulled out a big white veil covered in neon condoms and adjusted it over Katie’s blond curls. “There. Oh, and your shot glass.”
“And your sash.” Becca handed her the pink, light-up sash that read BACHELORETTE across the front.
Katie looked down at herself. “Don’t you think this is a bit much?”
“Nope! Oh, we need our sashes too!” Becca and Steph pulled out two BRIDESMAID sashes, and Becca pursed her lips seductively. “What do you think?”
Katie laughed. “I think you are both nuttier than a fruitcake.”
“And now, let’s get this party started!” Steph yelled, throwing her bag on the backseat and starting up the car. “Wait until Jared gets a load of what I bought. He’s going to be one happy man.”
Katie clutched her pink bag to her chest, wondering why she’d bothered buying a sexy purple nightie when there wasn’t anyone around to enjoy it.
Stop thinking about him. You are out and you are going to have fun. Forget about Chase!
THE GIRLS HAD been right. Within minutes of entering the club, a group of guys had started buying their drinks. The guys were all huge, a couple nearly six and a half feet tall, and Katie asked the shortest of the bunch, Dave, “Did you all join a club for tall guys or something?”
The guy laughed. “In a way. We play football for the Boise Grizzlies.” Katie didn’t follow professional football, but it sure explained the mammoth sized muscles on some of the guys.
“So what’s your fiancé like?” he asked.
Her fiancé? Oh right, the veil. “He’s about six foot two, with brown hair and gray eyes. He owns a tattoo parlor and writes comic books for a living.”
“He’s got to be a good guy to get his hands on a girl like you. He’s lucky,” Dave said.
Katie grabbed another shot off the table. I wish someone had remembered to tell him that.
Steph threw her arm around her shoulders. “Having a good time?”
Katie made sure Dave had walked far enough away before she said, “Yeah, but I’m getting kind of tired.”
Steph pulled out her phone. “It’s only 11:13. Are you sure you want to go?”
Katie nodded, and Steph gave her a big hug. Another pair of arms went around her, and she turned her head to meet Becca’s smile.
“Hey! Group hug!” a deep voice said, and tree-trunk arms wrapped around the three of them, lifting them off the ground.
The girls laughed, and when the big guy put them down, Steph, Becca, and Katie thanked the group for letting them hang out.
Dave said, “Tell that fiancé of yours he better be good to you!”