RYAN WAS ENJOYING Chase Trepasso’s attention. She’d been horrified when she recognized him as the man in the shop who had caught her staring that morning, but after a few minutes of conversation, she realized that Chase didn’t recognize her. He’d introduced himself, bought them drinks, and given both her and Gracie his card. Jagged Rock Tattoo Parlor had been written in rough script with his name, number, and the shop address on it. He’d asked them what they did, and after listening politely to Gracie, turned to her. “What about you?”

She wasn’t sure if she should’ve been pleased or irritated he didn’t recognize her, considering there weren’t very many redheads running around town. “I’m a photographer. I work in the studio next door to your shop.”

“Really? I’ve been thinking of hiring a photographer to take pictures of some of my work. Maybe I could come by your studio for a price quote?” Chase was leaning on the bar next to her, and Ryan felt giddy as she looked up into his cool gray eyes. She’d dated guys before, but never had one actually come up to her with the exclusive purpose of getting to know her. Most of the time they needed help with an assignment and thought she was funny or that under her frumpy clothes there was really a wild woman waiting to rock their world.

It was quite flattering to have such a good-looking guy taking such an interest in her, and her smile widened as she said, “Of course. I could show you my portfolio and give you a list of packages. I’m usually in the studio Monday through Friday until five, and sometimes Saturday, depending on the schedule and appointments, so if you want to set something up, I’d be happy to help.” Ryan didn’t know if it was the way he was looking at her, but she surprised herself when she added flirtatiously, “Anything you need, you just let me know.”

“Maybe you could give me your number. That way I could call you and make sure you’re available.” He was so close to her now that she got a good whiff of Irish soap, and started to lose her nerve. Chase had the look of a bad boy, and she wasn’t quite sure she wanted to encourage him. She wanted to meet a nice man who was looking for a wife, not a hot tattoo artist looking for a fling.

She felt Gracie’s elbow dig into her ribs and she made a split second decision, reaching into her purse for a business card and handing it to him. “Here. Now you can call me and I’ll schedule a time for us to talk.”

He leaned close to her, and there was no missing the suggestive tone as he said, “I look forward to it.” Then he stepped back from her with a wink and said, “You ladies enjoy the rest of your night. I’ve got a lot more networking to do. No better place to advertise a tattoo parlor than a bar with a bunch of drunk people.”

The girls laughed, and Ryan watched him move through the crowd. She turned to Gracie with wide eyes when she lost sight of him and asked, “He was hitting on me, right? I’m not making it up in my head?”

Gracie smiled at her and confirmed, “Oh yeah. That was a definite come on. He barely looked at me.” Her smile turned into a frown and she continued, “I think I should be insulted. My hotness at least warrants a glance.”

Ryan laughed at her new friend and squeezed her arm. “I’m pretty sure he glanced at you. Besides, you have no one to blame but yourself. You did too good a job on me.”

Gracie appeared to ponder this. “You’re right. I did too good a job. Cover up some, and put your hair back into that prison guard bun.”

Ryan was still laughing when Mike came up behind Gracie and gave her a smacking kiss on the cheek. Mike, Gracie, and Gracie’s best friend Gemma had been close friends since high school and still did almost everything together. Ryan smiled as Gracie slipped her arm around Mike’s waist and said, “Michael, what do you think you’re doing? You’re going to scare away all my potential conquests.”

Mike rolled his eyes. “I think you’ve already conquested everyone in this bar.”

Gracie fluttered her eyes at him. “Not you.”

Ryan laughed along with Mike, who turned to her and gave her a thumbs-up. “You look awesome, Ryan. Did you do something different with your hair?”

Ryan felt her cheeks flame with shy pleasure. “Thanks. Yeah, I got it cut. And Gracie took me shopping.”

Ryan noticed Gregg standing a little behind Mike. His eyes were focused so intently on her face that she felt the red on her cheeks spread to her hairline. Why was he just staring at her like that, saying nothing?

WHY AM I just standing here staring? Say something, you idiot!

Gregg shook himself from his mesmerized state and said, “You look beautiful.”

He watched Ryan’s eyes widen. “Thank you,” she said.

“Michael, why don’t we go dance?” Gracie nudged Mike, who kept grinning.

“Naw, I think I’m good here . . . yow!”

Gracie grabbed hold of his ear, smiling at Ryan. “We’ll see you guys later.”

Standing just at the edge of the bar, the sounds of the crowd were loud, but Gregg hardly heard them. He was too busy concentrating on Ryan’s pouty lips. He realized they were moving, and he blurted, “What?”

She gave him a curious expression and repeated, “Are you sure it’s not too much?” He swallowed. Hard. “No, not at all. I mean, I think you always look great but . . .”

Her eyes looked wary. “But what?”

He tried to find the words, and finally just asked, “Why the change?”

Her chin lifted up a notch. “Why not?”

He didn’t have an answer for her yet. He could tell by the stiff line of her shoulders that she was feeling defensive. He knew she didn’t take criticism well and that the smallest comment could get her dander up quicker than a dog could tree a cat. Now, her disgruntled look made him smile and relax. No matter how much makeup she was wearing or how different her clothes were, she was still Ryan. She was still the girl who had a secret comic book stash in her desk that he’d found by accident while looking for a pen. She was still the same Ryan whose knees started to shake when she reached the top step on the step stool, and instead usually just waited for him to get whatever she needed from the top shelf. No matter what she did to her outsides, she was still quirky, funny Ryan on the inside.

Gregg reached out to run his hand down her cheek, trailing his fingers over her neck and shoulders. He slid it down to take her hand and commanded softly, “Dance with me.”