The thought was like getting splashed with cold water. They hadn’t discussed feelings or whether their relationship was exclusive. Maybe she thought that he wasn’t serious. Wait, how could she not think he was serious? He’d met her parents, for God’s sake! And to avoid him like they were kids and he was just an irritating guy she wanted to blow off was beyond immature.

He was waiting at her desk when she walked inside on Thursday, and she looked so amazing it made him grit his teeth with irritation. She’d swept her hair up in a clip, loose curls escaping around her face and neck. She wore her baggy black cardigan over a cobalt blue top with enough flesh showing to make him adjust his body in his chair. She walked right past him and headed back to hang up her purse in the closet.

He stood up and followed her. “Don’t you have anything to say to me?”

She turned and cocked her head. “Good morning Gregg.”

Good morning? His eyes narrowed. “I called you several times.”

She smiled serenely. “Yes, I know. I got your messages.”

The muscle in his jaw ticked. “I also left some roses on your front porch.”

She nodded. “Yes, they were lovely. Thank you so much for thinking of me.”

He exploded. “What the hell is going on? I have tried to apologize to you, and you keep avoiding me. And then you show up today like there’s nothing going on between us.”

She blinked at him innocently. “I’m just trying to be professional. I even incorporated some of my old wardrobe to make myself less provocative. Thank you so much for your advice, by the way. I totally agree that I was not being appropriate. I feel much better now.”


He stalked closer, backing her against the closet door. “Messing with me right now is not a good idea, Ryan. I am beyond furious with you.”

Her tone was sickly sweet as she replied, “But why are you angry with me, Gregg? I took a few days to really think about what you said, and I agree with you. Isn’t that you wanted?”

“Why are you doing the singles auction? Because you knew it would piss me off?”

She looked bored and said, “It’s for a really good cause. Besides, if it bothers you so much, you could always come bid on me.”

His eyes were dark as he placed his hands on either side of her head against the door. “I’m going to beat you.”

“But Gregg, that’s not very professional.”

He growled as his mouth took hers, pushing her back toward the wall, feeling the softness of her body from chest to hips. He felt her mouth soften and her hands push against his shoulders weakly before she slid them over his shoulders and kissed him back with a little moan. He pulled away to drag her into the empty studio closest to them and shut the door behind him. She backed away from him, and he felt raw male satisfaction coursing through him.

He’d never been so angry at anyone in his whole life.

Her tone was low and breathy as she started, “Gregg, you know, this isn’t very—”

“Shut up, Ryan.” Before she could respond, his arms wrapped were around her like steel bands and his mouth crushed hers again. His hands slid over her back to grab her butt, and she gasped against his mouth. When he felt her body surrender and her lips play against his, he softened the kiss, running his hands over her lightly. His hands slid up under her shirt to skim the soft skin of her lower back when the bell rang, warning them that someone was in the studio. He pulled back reluctantly and looked down at her hungrily.

“Hello?” they heard a feminine voice call out.

Ryan took a shaky breath. “That’s Mrs. Cranston. She’s here for her prints.”

Gregg released her with a growl. She turned to flee the room but his voice stopped her. “This isn’t over, Ryan. Not by a long shot.”

She turned around and smirked, “See you at the auction.”

Before he could grab her again, she was gone.

Chapter Six

One day until Valentine’s Day . . .


The crowd of men and woman cheered with enthusiasm and Buck Henderson grinned wide, his shiny bald head gleaming in the town hall lights. “All right folks, we all know why we’re here, so gentleman get out those wallets because as always, ladies first. Our first lovely lady owns her own salon, and if you can win this little darling, gentleman, you’ll get a pretty woman and free haircuts for life.” The guys in the crowd laughed. “We’ll start the bidding at twenty-five dollars; let’s give it up for Katie Connors.”