Ryan sent her dad a warning look as he passed, which he returned with a wink. Gregg took her hand and squeezed it, making her insides turn to goo, before following her dad out of the room.
Once the men disappeared, Ryan turned to her mother and rolled her eyes. “Dad is so ornery.”
Her mother laughed. “Oh, let your dad have his fun. He wouldn’t tease you so bad if you didn’t rise to the bait every time.”
She followed her mom into the kitchen and her stomach growled at the array of smells wafting around her. “Hmm, so what’s for dinner?”
Her mother pulled down the oven to peek at something, and shut it gently before answering, “Pot roast, mashed potatoes, and mixed vegetables. Are you hungry?”
Ryan’s stomach growled again. “Starving.” She paused before asking, “Mom, I know that you don’t really like my clothes, but do I really look that bad?”
Her mother reached out and touched her face. “I only care that you’re happy. If you like your new clothes and you feel good about yourself, then I’m happy.” As if it was an afterthought, she pulled a wooden spoon from the drawer and slapped Ryan’s thigh.
“Ouch! Mom! What was that for?”
Her mother pointed the spoon under her nose and said, “That’s a warning. I see you wearing skimpy miniskirts or hooker heels, you won’t be able to sit for a week once I get through with you.”
Ryan laughed at her mother’s stern mouth and twinkling eyes, and knew she was teasing.
“SO MY PARENTS seemed to like you,” Ryan said as they drove back to Rock Canyon. “Especially my dad, and he hates every guy I bring home.”
Gregg smiled in the dark and reached out for her hand. “I guess that means I’m a good one. You should probably be very, very nice to me.”
> She slid her hand over his thigh and smiled seductively, “Oh I plan on being very, very nice to you.”
His pants were suddenly a little tight across his lap and he grabbed her hand to stop her exploring fingers. “Want to stay over at my place tonight?”
She brought his hand up to her mouth, running her tongue over his thumb. He felt every flick as if they were happening all along his body.
“But I don’t have anything to sleep in,” she teased him softly.
He pulled their linked hands away from her mouth and bit her thumb gently. “Who said we’re going to be sleeping?”
Chapter Five
Five days until Valentine’s Day . . .
“I DEFINITELY THINK I’m going to do the auction on Friday,” Gracie said, running her hand over her hot pink apron with black letters that read, CALL ME CUPCAKE ONE MORE TIME . . . and had a picture of a sprinkled cupcake making an angry face.
Ryan and Gemma looked at each other in amusement. Gracie looked between them, her eyebrow raised. “What? I think it will be fun. Plus, it’s kind of romantic.”
Gemma laughed. “Romantic? Being bid on like an object is romantic? And possibly having to spend the entire evening with someone you can’t stand? You’re nutty.”
“I’m sure whoever bids on me won’t be that bad.”
“What about Eric Henderson?” Ryan smiled at the scowl Gracie shot her.
“Okay, so there are exceptions to every rule.”
Gemma laughed. “Seriously, what is the deal with you two?”
Gracie made a face of disgust. “The guy is an ass.”
Ryan gave her a little smile. “I always found him a little gruff, but still nice.”
Gemma nodded. “Yeah, he’s always been good to me.”