Now, Kelly kissed Chris sweetly before she answered. “His name is Raymond. Raymond Christian Ryan.”
This book would not have been possible without my understanding husband and amazing kids. I love you. To my awesome agent, Sarah, who listens when I need to talk and is always rooting for me. Thank you for being on my side. For my fantastic editor, Norma, who makes my books better and believed in this series. Thank you. To my friend, Tina Klinesmith, who is my sister from another mister. Thank you for every mind meld and two-hour phone conversation. Thanks to my parents, my in-laws, siblings, aunts and friends. Your love and support make this journey possible. To the amazing women who make up my Rockers. I love your guts. And to all the readers who have followed me over the years. Thank you for reading.
Meet the Author
An obsessive bookworm, Codi Gary likes to write sexy small-town contemporary romances with humor, grand gestures, and blush-worthy moments. When she’s not writing, she can be found reading her favorite authors, squealing over her must-watch shows, and playing with her children. She lives in Idaho with her family.
Visit her on the web at
Don’t Call Me Sweetheart
Weddings are big business in picturesque Sweetheart, California, and Something Borrowed’s rent-a-bridesmaid service is thriving among the Hollywood elite. For the women who work there, a walk down the aisle is just a paycheck—until the right guy makes it priceless . . .
Marley Stevenson never imagined her stint as a rented Maid of Honor would practically become a career. Then again, nothing in her life has gone according to plan. At least the money’s good—and she needs it to pay off student loans and help out her mom. But the job has rules, which have never been an issue . . . until one encounter with a gorgeous best man—and his swoon-worthy Southern accent—sends Marley reeling.
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Kiss Me, Sweetheart
The bridesmaids and groomsmen for hire at Sweetheart, California’s Something Borrowed have the cure for celebrity wedding headaches. But even a job that’s strictly business can lead to the real thing . . .
Rylie Templeton had big dreams, until she quit culinary school to take care of her father and signed on with Something Borrowed. Suddenly years have gone by and she’s still a bridesmaid-for-hire, with her idea to open a gourmet bakery on the back burner. Scoring a high-profile wedding could help tur
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Instructed to make it work, Rylie plunges into the wedding festivities with Dustin by her side. If only she could convince him to turn his spectacular charm on someone else! But the enigmatic, reformed playboy has his own ideas about romance, and they all include Rylie. As the nuptials get closer, Rylie realizes that Dustin’s wooing is actually working, and that the two of them might make a good team in more ways than one . . .
Codi Gary, Be Mine, Sweetheart
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