“Well that was wonderfully unexpected.”
“Because you haven’t kissed me since before this all happened.”
“I figured you had enough going on without me mauling you.”
She shook her head. “When you kiss me, I forget everything else except how good it feels to be with you. Just now, when you pulled me to you, is the most relaxed I’ve been since Thursday.”
He bent down and picked up his bag. “Then let’s go inside and maybe I can relax you some more.”
She laughed and shut the door behind him once they were inside. Fungi was curled up on the couch, practically sprawled on top of Pepper, who was grooming the kitten lovingly with his tongue.
“When did that happen?” he asked.
“Yesterday. Since the veterinarian gave Fungi a clean bill of health on Saturday, I figured he should get to know his cousin. I actually thought Pepper was going to hate his guts, but it’s just the opposite. I think he loves the tiny monster more than he loves me.”
Chris set his bag down with a chuckle. “I find that hard to believe.”
“You’re right. I am the controller of the food after all. I will always be numero uno.” She walked into the kitchen and he followed behind, his gaze traveling down to her tight yoga pants hugging her backside. “Are you hungry at all?”
His eyes snapped up when he realized that she’d caught him staring at her ass and smiled sheepishly. “No, I’m fine. I grabbed something in Folsom.”
She turned around with her back to the counter, her arms crossed over her chest. “Please tell me what you found. I can’t stand it.”
He knew she wasn’t going to accept not knowing the details beforehand, but he needed her to. There was no way she wouldn’t let something slip if she knew and he didn’t want to risk not having the leak right where he wanted them. “It’s complicated, baby. I just need you to trust me. Did you get Alejandro and Teresa to come?”
“Yeah. Turns out they hadn’t left town. They’ll be by at ten.”
“Are you sure you can’t just tell me? I’m going to go crazy all night wondering.”
Chris closed the distance between them and pulled her against him. She kept her arms crossed like a wall between them and he could understand her irritation with him, but he needed to do this. Kelly was a professional, but she would often take things personally, and if she knew who it was who had almost destroyed her, she might blow the whole thing.
“I can’t tell you about who set you up, but I do need to tell you something else.”
She dropped her arms and looked up at him. “All right.”
“I’ve been stressed about what being with you will mean, and I’ve been a little scared. You know me. I like order; but when I’m with you, I’m a mess of emotions.”
“A little insulted, but okay,” she said.
“What I’m trying to tell you is that I didn’t want things to change because all of my relationships had fizzled out, and I was afraid we’d be the same way. And I can’t not have you in my life.”
“Chris, I—”
He held up a finger. “Please, let me finish.” She nodded her head. “You helped me realize that the best way to keep you in my life is to take stock of my feelings and what I want. And I want you with me, always, as my everything. It’s what you’ve always been for me, Kelly. It just took me awhile to realize it.”
He paused, taking a deep breath.
“I love you.”
Kelly’s full lips split into a wide grin. “I know.”
Chris frowned. “No, I really love you.”
“And I really know.”