“No, we’re good. I swear. Just find out who did this.”

Chris wasn’t sure what to say. He’d been so sure that she’d meant it.

“Okay, I’ll go make some calls. Just don’t stress. Everything is going to be all right.”

Chapter 28

Everything was not all right.

It was Monday morning, and Kelly and the rest of the Something Borrowed staff had been fielding phone calls all weekend, including a very angry one from Teresa Valdez on Friday night.

“I came to you because I was told you could be trusted and then someone in your company sold me out!”

Kelly had tried to be calm and reassuring, but the truth was, she was a nervous wreck. She had no proof that someone outside had done this and without it, she couldn’t argue or protest convincingly.

Still, she’d tried.

“It wasn’t anyone at Something Borrowed, Ms. Valdez, I can promise you that.”

“Well, someone told them, and they knew intimate details about everything, including the song for my first dance! Things only Veronica and you knew. So, either it was one of you, or someone else inside your establishment went through my file. Either way, I want a full refund and I’ll be postponing my wedding. It doesn’t matter now that my family isn’t even speaking to me!”

Kelly was heartbroken for her, and tried to convey as such.

“I am so very sorry for everything you are going through. Rest assured, I’ve hired a private investigator to find out who it was and my lawyer, Mr. Ryan, is personally looking into everything.”

Teresa had hung up on her, and Kelly couldn’t really blame her. She’d built this company on the understanding that all private details about clients’ lives and weddings would stay that way. The fact that someone had violated that agreement had brought the entire company under scrutiny.

They’d come in this morning to ten cancellation messages on the machine, with the threat that Something Borrowed would soon be contacted by their lawyers. By ten in the morning, a headache had formed in her forehead

and she was ready to go home, turn off her cell, and go back to bed.

The intercom buzzed.

“Ms. Barrow, Hank Townsend is here to see you.”

Kelly sank into her chair with a groan. If Hank thought that there was a leak at Something Borrowed, he’d pull his check advance and find someone else to handle his sister’s wedding. It was their biggest account this season next to the Valdez wedding. She really couldn’t afford to lose it.

There was a knock on her door and she called out, “Come in.”

Hank smiled as he poked his head in. “Good morning. Seems you’re having a busy Monday.”

Had he really not heard what happened? He seemed completely at ease in his black T-shirt and distressed jeans, and his expression was his usual friendly façade.

“Yeah, you can call it that.” She got up and came around the edge of the desk. “Hank, I just want to assure you that no one at Something Borrowed leaked details about the Valdez wedding. I have no idea what happened, but someone is ripping my company’s reputation to shreds and the media thinks we sold out a client. That isn’t the case and we are trying to fix it—”

He held up his hand, stopping any further defense from her. “Kelly, I know that your company is on the up and up or I never would have trusted you to handle my sister’s wedding. I came by today to see if I can help in any way. I’ve already sent out a tweet that the allegations against you were complete shit.”

Kelly sighed with relief and was tempted to hug the man, but she was trying to hold it together. If he patted her back or tried to comfort her, she would break down. “Thank you for that. Chris hired a private investigator to find out who really leaked the info, so we’re just waiting on proof from him.”

Hank sank into the chair in front of her desk. “Ah, Chris. He seems like a man who will save the day, I have no doubt. In the meantime, if you need anything, a hand to hold or a shoulder to cry on, I’m here for you.”

Kelly laughed weakly. “I appreciate it.”

“Good.” He clapped his hands together with a Cheshire cat smile. “Now, should we get down to business? Just another month until the wedding and lots left to do.”

“That would be great. And thank you, Hank, for your faith in me.”

Hank’s usual playful manner evaporated, and he cleared his throat. “I wanted you to know that I really was interested in getting to know you as more than my sister’s wedding planner. I think you’re a very special woman and Chris is a lucky man.”