He couldn’t very well tell her he was caught up in her cuteness. “Nothing. I just miss this.”
It wasn’t a lie. He did miss this. Missed her.
Kelly set the jug of litter in the cart. Then, she held onto the side, a thoughtful expression on her face. “I have too. I am sorry things have been off between us lately.” She turned her back to him, taking a litter pan off the shelf and kept talking. “Maybe it’s because we’re in our thirties and both single. I know we never made a pact or anything, but it’s logical to start noticing your best friend, who also happens to be a good-looking guy, when your biological clock starts ticking.”
“I don’t know whether to focus on the fact you never thought I was attractive until now or that you’re blaming it on your body telling you it’s time to make babies.”
She shot him an exasperated look. “Not what I said. I was just thinking that ever since I decided to date, there has been this tension between us. Haven’t you noticed?”
Yes, because I keep thinking about you naked.
“Nope, just the same as always.”
“Ugh, you are such a liar.” She pulled a cat food dish and water dispenser off the shelf, tossing them in the cart.
“Why do you say that?” he asked.
Kelly kept heading down the aisle with him pushing the cart alongside her. “Um, maybe because you freaked out over a boner.”
“Okay, that’s not really something we need to discuss here,” he said.
True there was no one on the aisle, but still…packages were never meant to be discussed in public.
“Fine, but you have to admit, the vibe between us has been freaky.”
Chris turned the cart up another aisle, heading toward the front of the store. “I’ve had a lot going on at work and so have you. We’re just in a funk.”
Chris could see the lines of registers at the end of the aisle were several customers deep. Why was it anytime of day, Walmart was always busy? “Hank thinks we need to strip down and stand in front of each other naked.”
Chris almost hit a display of air fresheners, he stumbled so hard. “What?”
Kelly seemed oblivious to his initial shock. “He thinks we’re harboring a secret lust for each other and the only way to know for sure is to display or goods and see if one of us pounces.”
Chris didn’t like that he was intrigued by Hank’s suggestion, especially when he knew the guy just wanted to get into Kelly’s pants. “And why are we discussing our friendship with a stranger?”
“It came up when we went for drinks last week. He asked if we’d ever dated a
nd I said no, we were just friends, and he said that was bullshit. That women and men can’t be friends because someone always wants the other. Then he told me the only way to prove that there are no lustful feelings was to get naked.”
“Hank really said lustful feelings?”
“I’m paraphrasing, but yes.”
They went to an open register in the self-checkout area, and Chris handed her items while she scanned them. “So, are you telling me that you peeked in on me while I was in your shower today and you found me wanting?”
“Of course not! I wouldn’t spy on you!”
“Now I’m worried there may be a peephole in the bathroom somewhere.”
She whacked him in the arm with the jug of litter. “Shut up! Someone is going to hear you and think I’m a pervert!”
“Relax. Pretty sure the woman who is supposed to be manning this area is asleep.”
They both glanced over at the Walmart employee, who appeared to be nodding off where she stood. “Hurry and pay for your stuff so we can get out of here. I’m going to die of mortification.”
He slowed down, loving the bright blush on her cheeks.
“You bastard.”