“All right, I’m ready for him,” she called.
The first thing that struck her as Chris entered the bathroom was that the kitten was rolling over in Chris’s hands, enjoying belly rubs. He hadn’t been as relaxed with her, but some cats were just like that.
They loved their owners from the first moment they met them and tolerated everyone else.
The second was she’d never thought of Chris as imposing, but stuck in such a small space with him, she realized that he nearly blocked the entire door. Not that they hadn’t been in confined quarters before, but this was the first time she was fully aware of him. She was consciously thinking about the fact that if he wanted to, he could block her escape from the room. Maybe push that tight body up against hers and keep her in place until he was finished with her.
Her skin turned feverish and sweat broke out all over. “Here, let me squeeze by you and we’ll see if he’ll eat.”
Kelly turned to the side and his hands, which were holding the kitten, brushed her chest. Heat rose up across her skin and her nipples hardened to pebbles.
She glanced at him to see if he’d noticed her reaction, but he was squatting with his back to her. The minute he set the kitten down, it raced to the food bowl. With both white paws planted in the middle of the kitten food, the kitten growled as he devoured the pâte and gravy.
Chris stood up, and waved his hand toward the door. “Come on, let’s get out of here, and get cleaned up.”
She couldn’t get out of the claustrophobic space fast enough. They walked out of the room into the hallway and Kelly reached for the door at the same time he did. She dropped her hand away like his skin burned her and nervously stepped back as he shut the door.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
“Yeah, why?”
“Cause you’ve been jumpy since I got here.”
Drat, the last thing she wanted to do was draw attention to the face that something was different between them, even if it was all on her side.
“Sure, I’m great. Just had one too many cups of coffee today.”
She could tell by the arch of his eyebrows that he didn’t believe her, but he seemed to let it go. “All right. If that’s the truth, then we better get gone and back.”
“First, scrub your hands and then get changed. You’ve got an extra shirt here still, right?”
“Yeah, bossy, I’m covered.”
Kelly pursed her lips as her gaze traveled from his head to his feet involuntarily. “Might not be a bad idea to take a shower. Make sure you get every inch he may have touched. I’ll even throw your clothes in to wash, if you want.”
Hank’s suggestion that the two of them get naked in front of each other came unbidden to her mind as Chris shrugged. “Sure. I’ll be quick. Want me to use yours since the kitten is down here?”
She tried to remember if she’d left anything embarrassing like bras or underwear lying about.
Chris has seen my room a complete mess, so why am I stressing about underwear?
“That’s fine,” she said.
As Chris disappeared up the stairs, Kelly’s eyes gravitated to his butt. She couldn’t see much, since his jeans were loose fitting, but she could imagine it was as tight and firm as the rest of him.
Once he was out of sight, she groaned. It was about time that she admitted that she had the hots for Chris. Fighting it wasn’t working, so she might as well embrace it.
What that meant, she had no idea yet.
Her phone chirped and it was Hank.
Hey Gorgeous. Would you like to meet me for dinner tomorrow?
I don’t think that’s a good idea.
You can bring Julia’s giant folder if it will make you feel better. Then you can pretend it’s a work dinner while I entertain you with tales of our future with five children.
Kelly smiled, her brain protesting as her heart begged her to let loose for once.