“Are you messing with me?” he asked.
“A little.” She wrapped her arms around his waist. “Chris, I love you too. I couldn’t imagine feeling the way I do about you and you not loving me too. It just didn’t seem possible. So, I decided that I would take back my I love you and let you have this first. You know, since I’ve initiated everything else.”
He kissed her, stroking her back with his hands. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. Now, will you take me upstairs and distract me? Otherwise, I might go crazy and torture you until you tell me what you know.”
“Patience, my love,” he said. “Good things come to those who wait.”
“I know.”
Her soft gaze warmed his heart and he picked her up, carrying her up the stairs to bed.
Chapter 30
Kelly sat behind her desk, with Chris at her back like always. Veronica stood off to their left, while Teresa and Alejandro occupied the chairs across from them. Kelly tried hard to keep her feet from nervously dancing beneath her desk. No matter what she’d said or done, Chris wouldn’t share his master plan and now that the moment of truth was there, she was seriously anxious.
She glanced behind her at Chris and he nodded.
“Since everyone is here, we can get started,” Kelly said. She waved behind her at Chris. “Mr. Ryan is the company attorney, as you remember, and he has some information he’d like to share.”
“Enough with the theatrics,” Teresa said. “I get enough drama on my show. You said that you knew who really sold us out, so tell us.”
Chris picked up the manila envelope off the desk and pulled out the papers inside. He set down a sheet of paper in front of Teresa.
“This is a copy of the check that The Daily Gossip wrote for the scoop on your wedding and pregnancy. Can you read the name aloud for us?”
“Juan Rodriguez. Who is that?” Teresa asked.
“That is your fiancée’s legal name. Apparently, he felt Alejandro Garcia was a better name for business.” Chris pulled out several more papers and Kelly leaned over to see what they were. “In case you don’t believe me, this is his driver’s license before he legally changed his name.”
Teresa stared at it, and then turned to Alejandro. To Kelly’s shock, the calm, professional Teresa flew at her fiancée, beating him over the head with her fists.
“You stupid bastard! Why would you do this? I thought you loved me!”
He grabbed a hold of her wrists and glared at her. He threw her hands away from him and snapped, “Loved you? How could you think I would love you? You thought you were better than me, treated me like your lap dog.”
“What? Are you crazy? I wanted to marry you! I am having your child.”
“So, you say,” Alejandro sneered.
Oh no he didn’t.
This time, Veronica jumped in to restrain her cousin before she beat him some more. It didn’t stop the string of angry curses to escape Teresa’s full lips, though.
When Teresa calmed down, Chris came around the desk and patted Teresa on the shoulder. Kelly smiled as Chris laid down another document, clearly on a roll. “Your fiancée has been a busy guy. Apparently, he wasn’t too happy with the prenup you made him sign. So, while he was in town last week, he also made a stop at the producer’s office for your show and let him know that you were pregnant with his child and the two of you were getting married.”
Teresa’s face drained of color, but Chris didn’t stop, just kept pushing forward.
“Now, I don’t know if he thought that his relationship with you would score him a bigger part in the show or that the studio heads would be so furious that they’d fire you, but he underestimated your appeal. They decided that they would work around your pregnancy next season with a new fantastic storyline. Congratulations, by the way.” Chris shot Alejandro a look filled with mock pity, clicking his tongue. “But poor Alejandro was informed that his character would get killed off because it had reached its ‘natural climatic end.’ I guess that’s code for ‘we don’t employ lowlife weasels who rat out their fiancées to get ahead.’”
“Bastard,” Alejandro snarled.
“Actually, my parents were married,” Chris said.
“You know what,
Mr. Ryan?” Kelly said thoughtfully.