Dustin washed his hands and then came up behind Rylie. He slipped one arm around her waist and grabbed a donut with the other. “See? My question wasn’t that crazy.”

“I-told-you-so’s are not sexy,” Rylie grumbled.

The sound of crashing in the other room made Dustin laugh. “Are you sure? Because when you say it to me it makes me so hot, baby.”

Rylie turned in his arms and started whacking him on the shoulder. “You are so gross.” Her tone was heavy with mirth, and Dustin danced away from her with a wink.

“You think I’m adorable and you know it.” Then he hollered, “Raider! What did you break? Now your mom is going to gloat that she was right!”

Dustin left the room, and Kelly watched Rylie, still smiling as she delivered Kelly’s coffee to the counter in front of her. Kelly picked the mug up and walked over to steal a donut. “He makes you happy?”

“Very much.” Rylie lifted her own cup of coffee to her mouth and sipped lightly. “It’s funny, because after all the romance novels I’ve read, I never really expected to find anything like this. When we fight, I have this knot in the pit of my stomach, because the thought of losing him is so unbearable. I’ve never had that with anyone.”

“I am so glad. You deserve the best.”

Rylie shot her a pensive look. “So do you.” She paused a moment, cradling her coffee cup between her hands as she stared at Kelly. “This Hank guy…is he going to be a problem?”

“How do you mean?” Kelly asked.

“Like a stalking, won’t-take-no-for-an-answer, kind of problem.”

Kelly knew Rylie’s concern came from her own terrifying experience with an unhinged man she’d dated last year, so she didn’t laugh.

“No, he’s fine. Just likes a challenge.”

“At least you have Christian watching your back at work.”

Kelly involuntarily frowned at the mention of her friend. Even though they had talked and watched TV last night, it had been…off. Anytime she moved, he’d stiffened or gotten up to get something. As though he was afraid to touch her. Whatever was going on between them, they hadn’t resolved it.

But as much as she adored Rylie, she wasn’t going to talk about it. Besides, she had no idea what the problem was, so there was nothing to say.

“Yep, I’ve got Chris.”

Chapter 12

Chris hadn’t waited the full week to reach out to Rachel. In fact, he’d called her on Sunday and asked her out for Friday night. She’d sounded pretty excited, which made him less self-conscious about Maria’s comments.

To his surprise, Kelly had cancelled on him for Wednesday, telling him she’d had to help Veronica with her first wedding. He’d almost dropped dinner off to them at the office but told himself that she’d done him a favor. He’d wanted to put some distance between them, and she’d done it for him.

But he missed her. Her smile, her laugh. Her body cuddled up next to his while they watched a movie.

God, he was a fucked-up mess.

He picked Rachel up from her place and took her to dinner at a Mexican-Korean restaurant. It had been her choice, not his; he wasn’t a fan of overpriced, fusion food.

Dinner was fun, although he was still hungry. The tiny plate of tacos they’d served him had not been enough to sustain him. Rachel was two margaritas in, and getting flirty by the time he paid the check.

When they got outside, she asked, “What now?”

“I was thinking we could check out what’s playing at the theater.”

She stepped closer to him, her arms twining around his neck. “Or, we could go back to my apartment and see what’s playing in your pants.”

Chris grimaced. Talk about stupid pick-up lines.

Before he could respond, Rachel rose up on her tiptoes and kissed him. She pulled his head down to hers and opened her mouth against his lips. Chris was used to taking the lead, so he increased the pressure, putting his arms around her waist.

Nothing was happening. Not even a small stir of excitement. She was soft. She smelled good…but his cock was as limp as an old carrot.