Chris’s mind drifted to Maria and her advice to put some distance between him and Kelly. He opened his mouth to say something about it, but she spoke first.

“I love you.”

He hugged her tight. “I know.”

They stood there for a moment, silently embracing the other. He breathed her in, the familiar scent of Kelly washing over him. Making him feel at home.

“Wanna watch a movie now?” she asked.

Distance could wait until tomorrow. “Sure. Sounds like a plan.”

Chapter 11

Kelly stood in Rylie Templeton’s kitchen, watching her friend and former employee as she poured batter into two round baking pans. Technically, the spacious kitchen belonged to her boyfriend, Dustin Kent, who had also worked at Something Borrowed for a time, but the two were practically living together anyway. The light wood cabinets were plentiful, and on the counter was a gorgeous standing mixer.

In the corner, lying on the brown swirled tile floor was Rylie’s pit bull, Raider, his eyes closed in bliss as the warm sunshine came through the gigantic window and covered his back.

Rylie slid the pans into the double ovens and shut the doors. She spun around to face Kelly with a smile.

Rylie’s brown eyes sparkled as she wiped her hands on the legs of her jeans. “You have some cake designs for me?”

Since she’d stopped being a bridesmaid at the end of last wedding season, Rylie had taken over making all the cakes for Something Borrowed. She was a genius when it came to the culinary arts and was using the money to open a gourmet bakery, hopefully in the newly renovated Buzzard Gulch.

“I do.” Kelly pulled the pictures out of the folder in her hand and laid them across the counter. “So, we have a traditional Catholic wedding for three hundred people. She wants something like these.”

The three and four tiered cakes were white with eye-catching colorful flowers. The cakes were all round, and Rylie picked up the one in the middle, her forehead wrinkling as she studied the picture.

“I think the four tiered will be the best for the number of guests.” Rylie set the picture down and redid her long brown ponytail. “When do they want to come for a tasting?”

“We only have four weeks, so could you have something this weekend? And FYI, the bride loves chocolate and the groom likes fruit.”

Rylie shook her head with a chuckle. “Nothing like springing things on me last minute.”

“You’re doing a tasting for the Walker wedding. I thought you could just add a few more samples and we’ll schedule them close together.”

“Yeah, that would have worked…except the Walker wedding is gluten free. I’ll have to have separate samples for each couple.”

Kelly cursed. “I didn’t know that. How did I not know that?”

“Gotta keep up with the deets, boss woman,” Rylie teased. “It will be fine. I already have the Walkers scheduled for ten, so if we do the…what are their names?”


Rylie rolled her eyes at the obviously fake name. “So, easily recognizable, and super VIP. Got it. We’ll do them at four.”

“Great. And Dustin’s okay with you having them here?”

“He’s good. My kitchen is too small to handle the amount of baking I do. Here, I can use the pool house kitchen and the double oven when I need them.”

“I’m glad. I wouldn’t want to step on any toes.”

“Are you kidding? He likes when I take over his kitchen because I always leave him extras.” Rylie walked over to the cupboard next to the sink and held up a large, black mug. “Do you want some coffee?”

“Sure, I’d love some.” Kelly pulled the second folder out of her purse, and put it on the counter. “I need to schedule one more tasting, but I have to talk to Hank about it.”

Rylie turned and gave her a quizzical look. “Who is Hank?”

“Hank Townsend, the actor. He’s hired me to plan his sister’s wedding.”