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First Electronic Edition: August 2018

eISBN-13: 978-1-5161-0233-4

eISBN-10: 11-5161-0233-9

First Print Edition: August 2018

ISBN-13: 978-1-5161-0234-1

ISBN-10: 11-5161-0234-7

Printed in the United States of America

Be Mine, Sweetheart

Something Borrowed

Codi Gary


Kensington Publishing Corp.


This book is dedicated to the amazing women and men who serve in our military. They spend months away from their homes and families, bravely putting their lives on the line. If no one has told you today, thank you.

Chapter 1

Kelly Barrow stared down at the court papers on her mahogany desk, completely flabbergasted. Her company and personal attorney, Christian Ryan, sat across from her in one of the black leather guest chairs. It was Monday morning in mid-May, and Kelly was tempted to open the blinds on her two office windows and let the sun in. Maybe it would shine a new light onto the terrible words mocking her from the white sheets of paper.

When she looked up at him, she could tell he was fighting a grin.

“This is a joke, right?” she asked.

Chris shook his head. “No joke. I received them this morning.”

“Who in the hell sues someone for”—she read the amount again, and scoffed—“thirty-two dollars and seventeen cents?”

“Apparently, Wesley James, who didn’t appreciate you walking out on a date with him.”

“I didn’t walk out! I told him that I had a work emergency and had to go!”

Chris shrugged his broad shoulders. “Guess he didn’t believe you because he is suing you for the cost of your dinner and your ticket to…Pirates of the Caribbean.”

This was one of the reasons why she hadn’t dated in eleven years. Men were absolute idiots.