Dustin lay sprawled across her bed with his underwear around his knees and his socks still on. “I’ll be here.”

Rylie escaped to the bathroom and closed the door before she started laughing. She was still fighting the giggles after she’d finished cleaning up and came back into the bedroom.

His socks and boxer briefs were now on the floor, and he was under her covers.

“So, what now? Snuggle? Snack? Or sleep?”

Rylie climbed into the bed with him and cuddled up against his side. “All of the above.”

Chapter 25

Rylie stood by the mirror, watching as Tonya’s mother slid the veil into her daughter’s intricate up-do. It was a bittersweet moment for her, as she knew that when her time to get married came around, she wouldn’t have a mother to help her get ready or her dad to walk her down the aisle.

She shook herself out of her doldrums, refusing to shroud one second of Tonya’s big day with sadness. Of all the weddings she’d ever been a part of at Something Borrowed, she had a good feeling that this couple had a real chance at the rest of their lives.

“You look gorgeous,” Tonya’s cousin, Glenda, said. Glenda was kind of a ball buster and had given Rylie a ration of shit for not having alcohol at the slumber party last night. When she’d explained that there would be plenty of drinking going on at the reception and they didn’t need to be hung over for the ceremony, she’d just huffed and pouted until Rylie had brought out the “Man-Candy” movies and “Last Night of Freedom” snack mix. After that, they bonded over abs and sweet and salty popcorn.

But in this instance, she was right. Tonya was beautiful in her strapless ivory dress that glided down to the floor. Her hair was smoothed back from her face in a thick bun, threaded with silver thread and pearls under her veil.

“Thank you. You all look wonderful too,” Tonya said.

Rylie agreed. Tonya’s best friend was short and curvy, while both of her cousins were five foot ten and stacked up top. The off-the-shoulder dresses were flattering and the wine color looked amazing on all of them.

“What about your mother?”

Tonya stood up and went over to her mom, kissing her on the cheek. Her mother was an older version of Tonya, only her hair was straightened and hit just below her chin. Her dress was a formal silver dress made out of chiffon with capped sleeves.

“You’re beautiful, Mama.”

Rylie’s eyes stung and she desperately tried to blink back the emotion.

Someone knocked on the door and when they all said come in, Tonya’s father, Governor Richard Rolland, popped his head in. His graying hair did nothing to detract from the imposing figure he cut in his black tux.

“Are we ready to get this show on the road?” When his gaze landed on his daughter, he stepped all the way into the room and held his hand over his chest. “This can’t be my baby girl.”

Oh, God, I’m going to lose it. Rylie’s eyes filled with tears as she watched them embrace, so much love in the room it was overwhelming.

“I’m ready, Daddy.”

Her father led Tonya and her mother from the room, followed by the maid of honor, her two cousins, and Rylie pulling up the rear. When they stood just outside the double doors of the chapel, Rylie’s heart flipped in her chest as Dustin came through and held his arm out to Tonya’s mother. He looked amazing in his tux, and she didn’t blame Tonya’s mom one bit for giggling.

“My, you are a handsome devil.”

“Mom,” Tonya scolded.

“What, he is. I’m married, not dead. Right, honey?” she teased her husband.

Her husband shot Dustin a stern look. “You just be sure to keep your hands to yourself, young man.”

“Of course, sir. Besides, my girl would skin me alive if I didn’t.”

Rylie’s jaw slid open as he winked right at her and then disappeared behind the doors.

All eyes swung her way and Tonya tsked. “Someone’s been keeping secrets.”

Rylie hid her face behind her bouquet, praying they wouldn’t have time to ask her any questions.

Luckily Blake’s college friends joined them, holding out their arms to Tonya’s cousins and her relationship was forgotten for the moment. Rylie waited impatiently for Dustin to return, her emotions warring between excitement and horror. She hoped that Tonya didn’t tell Kelly they were dating before she got the chance. Technically, there was nothing in the employee contract about dating coworkers, just groomsman, but she still didn’t think Kelly would be thrilled.