“Only because I thought you were a dog. It was really hard not to like you.”

“Back at you. In fact, I told myself I was going to stop flirting with you when you moved into the pool house.”

She snorted. “That lasted what, two seconds?”

“What can I say? I find you irresistible.”

“I might believe you if I didn’t know firsthand how hideous I am right now.”

He slid his hand under her chin and tilted her face up to his. “It’s not about how you look. It’s about the way you make me feel when I’m near you.”

He couldn’t believe he was saying all this to her, but when she brushed her thumb over his mouth, he didn’t think she hated it.

“How do I make you feel?”

“Like I can be the kind of man you deserve.”

She brushed her lips across his and that contact was more than a sizzle or a shock. It was like standing in a field during a lightning storm. Thrilling and hot.

“You’re not perfect, but I don’t care. I don’t want anyone else to have me. I’m all yours.”

* * * *

Rylie had no idea if what she was saying made any sense, but when Dustin cradled her face and took her mouth with his, she figured she must have said something right.

His hand grabbed the bottom of her T-shirt, and she held her arms over her head so he could easily remove it. She wasn’t wearing a bra, but she didn’t have time to be shy or embarrassed because Dustin’s lips were wrapped around her nipple and she closed her eyes, moaning at every tug and every suck.

Canine whimpering broke the mood when Raider started licking her cheek. She busted up, shaking her head. “He thinks you’re killing me.”

Dustin gripped her thighs and stood. She automatically locked her legs around his waist as he spoke to her dog.

“Look, Raider. Your mom and I are going to go have some grown-up time while you hang out here, because honestly, I don’t trust you not to bite my butt while I’m making her happy.”

Rylie was wheezing with laughter as he carried her down the hallway to her room, kicking the door shut before Raider could join them.

“Hang on, let me give him a treat.”

Dustin let her down, his mouth moving over her neck. “Do I get a treat?”

“Yes, you pervert.”

Once she’d handed the dog biscuit to Raider and closed the door again, she turned around to find Dustin stripping. He unbuttoned his dress shirt, revealing tight, tan muscles, and she didn’t think she would ever get tired of watching him. He dropped his shirt on the floor and she leaned against the door as her legs went a little weak.

He crooked his finger at her as he kicked off his dress shoes. “Come a little closer, baby.”

Rylie took one step and then another until she threw herself against him, knocking him back onto the bed. She giggled as she lifted up over him, sitting back on his thighs as her hands went to the belt in his slacks.

“You know, I’ve fantasized about this a few times,” she said.

“What? Having sex with me? May I remind you that we’ve already done that, multiple times in one night if memory serves.”

“But I never got to unwrap you like a Christmas present.”

Dustin grinned, putting his hands behind his head. “By all means. Unwrap me.”

Rylie tried to pull his belt out with a flourish, but it turned out, that didn’t work when the guy was lying down. When she finally had it free and on the floor, she slipped the button on his pants out of the loop and slowly lowered the zipper.

“Can’t you go any faster?” he groaned.