Blake oinked at her, and everyone laughed. Moira sat at the head of the table and Dustin pulled out the chair next to her for Rylie.

“Thank you.”

“One thing I can say for my son is I did raise him with halfway decent manners,” Moira said.

“Thanks, Mom.”

Dustin picked up the dishes and served Moira, Tonya, and Rylie. Blake pointed his fork at Dustin. “You’re making me look bad, man.”

“Why don’t you pour the orange juice then?” Dustin said.

Tonya held up her glass. “I’m waiting.”

More laughter before eating became their top priority. Rylie snagged one of the raspberry scones, and took a bite, humming in approval.

“Who made these?”

“I did,” Moira said.

“They are delicious! I’d love to get the recipe. My scones aren’t bad, but these are so much better. They are almost creamy.”

Moira’s smile widened. “Well thank you. It’s a family recipe though. I’m afraid you’d have to become my daughter-in-law in order for me to share my secret.”

Rylie choked on the piece of scone in her mouth. Dustin thumped her on the back and the hunk flew out onto her plate. It was completely mortifying and she refused to look at Dustin.

“Subtle, Mom.”

Moira turned innocent blue eyes past Rylie, and she suddenly knew where Dustin got that I-wasn’t-implying-anything look.

“What? I have four sons and not one of them has gotten married. It’s bad enough that two of them moved away from me, but they don’t even give me the consolation of daughters-in-law and grandchildren.” She shifted her gaze between Tonya and Rylie. “Now, I ask you, girls… Is that fair?”

“Okay—new topic,” Dustin said.

Rylie finally met his gaze and realized

that he was blushing. She’d never seen him do that, and it made her smile.

Sorry, she mouthed.

Dustin shrugged.

“When is the rest of your wedding party showing up?” Rylie asked.

Blake took a long drink of orange juice before answering. “My boys are driving up from L.A. and should be here Friday.”

“And I’m picking up my two cousins and best friend Thursday night from the airport,” Tonya said.

Rylie nodded. “Well, we did what you asked. Tuxes will be ready to be picked up, and the bridesmaids’ dresses are going to be perfect.”

“I’m sure they will be,” Tonya said.

“How do you like working at Something Borrowed, Rylie? I will admit, my son doesn’t talk about it much,” Moira said.

“I love it, Mrs. Kent. I love the details and the dresses. And someday I want to open my own bakery and hopefully bake all the cakes for Something Borrowed’s weddings. I’m basically banking my entire future on the success of it, and I would do anything to help it continue.”

Abruptly, Dustin stood, looking a little pale. “Would you all excuse me a moment?”

He left the dining hall at a rapid pace, and Rylie watched him with her mouth hanging open.