“Me too. I just hope it doesn’t make things worse.”

“It won’t, I’m sure.” Marley squeezed her side and steered her around a corner. “Come check out the laundry room. Someone has a new washer and dryer!”

“Seriously?” Rylie hobbled along with Marley into the little room off the kitchen and wished she could dance. The silver set was exactly what she would have purchased, down to the brand. It was the first time she’d ever had her own stuff and for some reason, it made her want to break down and cry again.

“Are you okay?” Marley asked.

“Yeah, I just… I’ve never been on my own before and it’s big.”

“There’s more. Do you think you can handle it?”

Rylie couldn’t wait.

“Has that guy you went out with called?” Marley asked as they headed down the hallway toward the bedrooms a few minutes later.

Rylie glanced back toward the living room where Dustin was, but couldn’t see him. “Yeah, he asked me out again, but I told him I hurt my foot so it would be a while. He wanted to come over and cook for me and I said I’d let him know.”

When they reached what would be her bedroom, she barely looked at the comforter set as she hobbled toward Raider’s cage. He started barking excitedly as soon as he saw her and she sat down to open the door. He burst forward, licking her as he whined excitedly.

“Aw, hey my baby. Are you so glad to be home? I know I am.”

Marley clicked her tongue. “Poor dude. I can’t believe someone did that to him.”

Rylie kissed his nose and crooned, “Some people are just assholes. Yes they are.”

“Let’s get back to you. Why don’t you want to set up another date with Will? I thought you liked him.”

Rylie made a face. Having friends was a blessing and a curse sometimes. “I do. I just don’t think I like like him.”

Marley sat on the bed and harrumphed. “This wouldn’t have to do with someone we both know, would it?”

Rylie shook her head, although she couldn’t really meet Marley’s eye. “Like I said before, Dustin and I are just friends and I want it to stay that way.”

* * * *

Dustin was in the kitchen, putting away the food that was left over from the party, when Marley came into the room. Luke and Marley were the only ones left, and Dustin was surprised that Marley was seeking him out. Although their relationship was less hostile than it used to be, they still weren’t exactly pals.

“I want to thank you for everything you’ve done for Rylie.”

Dustin leaned back against the kitchen counter and folded his arms over his chest. “You don’t have to. She’s thanked me enough.”

Marley gave him a curt nod. “I just want to make sure you know how wonderful she is. And that if you do anything to hurt her, I will chop off your penis and pickle it.”

Dustin choked on a laugh, realizing that if she thought he was mocking her, she might just follow through. “As much as I admire the imagery, you don’t have anything to worry about. Rylie and I are just friends.”

“Yeah, she fed me that BS too, but I’ve seen the way you watch her when she’s not looking. You feel something for her. I’m just not sure what, and I don’t want you leading her on and breaking what’s left of her heart. Rylie is one of those bright, bubbly people who sees the good in everyone and if you squash that in her, I will come after you with a fury that you’ve only imagined.”

Dustin didn’t get angry or tell her to mind her own business, which he considered progress. She was just looking out for her friend, something Dustin could fully understand. Rylie brought out that kind of protective instinct in him too.

“I know the kind of guy I am and so does Rylie. Trust me, she doesn’t want to get involved with me.”

Marley opened her mouth to say more, but Luke came into the room. “Hey, I just wanted to say that Rylie looks pretty wiped, so maybe it’s about time we take off?”

“Yeah, it’s getting late,” Marley said. “I’ll go say good-bye to Rylie.”

Marley shot him a warning look from behind Luke’s back before she disappeared into the living room.

“You need a ride, Dustin?” Luke asked.