“Shhh, calm down. I figured he could sleep it off on the couch inside and we’d… We’d go to your room.”

Dustin didn’t want to tap the brakes on what was happening between them, too afraid that she was going to change her mind.

Rylie stroked his cheek, as if she could read his thoughts.

“I want you, Dustin. That’s not going to change in the five minutes it takes to make your brother comfortable.”

Just in case, Dustin planned to make it two.

He let her slide to her feet and climb out ahead of him. He got a good look at her cute little bathing suit as she went over to open the sliding glass door. When she walked back over, she said, “Do you need me to get his legs?”

He lifted his brother up and dumped him over his shoulder, grunting at the dead weight. “I’m good.”

The heat in her eyes as she watched him carry Charlie inside would be worth any neck or shoulder pain tomorrow.

Once Charlie was placed onto the couch and covered with a blanket, Dustin took Rylie’s hand and led her out the door, taking long strides up the stairs.

“Ouch, slow down. I’ve got blisters.”

Dustin stopped halfway up, and glanced down at her feet, although it was hard to see. The moon barely lit the world around them, let alone the ground.

“How did that happen?”

“New shoes. Hadn’t broken them in yet.”

Dustin gave her a deep, tender kiss. “I’ll doctor you up when we get inside.”

“And then?”

After kissing her again, he grinned. “Then, I’m going to make you forget about everything else but me.”

Chapter 17

Rylie sat up against the headboard of Dustin’s bed, a stack of pillows behind her back. She was wearing nothing but one of Dustin’s old T-shirts and a pair of boxers; her bathing suit was hanging up over his shower drying. He’d teasingly told her she didn’t need to wear anything, but there was no way she was going to sit naked while Dustin put a band aid on her blisters.

He came out of the bathroom with a first aid kit in his hands, but Rylie was having a hard time looking away from anything but his shirtless, powerful upper body.

As if he had no idea he’d rendered her catatonic with his pecs and shoulders, he sat down on the bed by her feet.

“Okay, feet on my lap so I can get a look.”

He lifted her leg up in the air and she shifted uncomfortably. She was self-conscious he’d be able to see up the leg of the boxer shorts.

But when she tried to lower her leg, he held tight to her foot. The boyish grin he shot her made her stomach do a back handspring with a twist.

“Just hold still and I’ll give you a sucker afterward.”

The way his eyes twinkled made her think he wasn’t talking about candy and she relaxed. Pervy Dustin she was used to.

“I can do it myself, you know.”

“Maybe if you’re a contortionist, which I fully support by the way. However, it will just be faster and easier if I do it for you.” He flipped open the lid to the kit and pulled out an ointment. “Besides, I really don’t mind.”

Once he’d applied the Neosporin, the relief was almost instantaneous. She sighed and sank back into the pillows behind her as she watched him put band aids over every one of her blisters.

“You’re good at this. First aid, I mean. You should have been a doctor with this kind of bedside manner.”

“I’m sure my mother would have loved that, but since my eldest brother went that route, I figured one doctor in the family was enough.”