“Then how about I just take the pictures and you can write your own descriptions later?”

She sighed, as if he was being a pain in her ass, but conceded. “Fine. Here is this one.”

He took a picture but frowned down at it.

“What’s the matter?” she asked. “Do I look bad?”

“No, the dress is good, but you aren’t selling it.” He got up and turned his iPhone around to show her the picture. “See? No smile. No excitement. Nada. If I were Tonya, I would stick with the original dress because you are doing nothing to make me want this dress.”

Rylie put her hands on her hips. “How exactly do you want me to sell it?”

He stroked his chin as if considering, then twirled his finger. “Spin.”

“Excuse me?”

“Spin around and show me if the skirt flows up.”

She frowned at him, but did as he asked. The ankle length dress didn’t lift far, but it rippled as she moved.

When she stopped, he gave her a thumbs-up. “Pretty good. Now this time, try smiling.”

Her smile was wide and strained. He shot her a look that said he clearly wasn’t impressed and she huffed. “I feel ridiculous.”

Dustin sighed dramatically. “Do I need to show you?”

“Um, sure?”

He called Jasmine over and gave her his iPhone, squeezing her hand as he did. “If any pictures or videos of me end up on the internet, I have an army of lawyers who will destroy you.”

The poor girl gulped.

Dustin pulled a dress off the rack, walked into a dressing room, and closed the curtain.

“What are you doing?” Rylie called, laughter evident in her voice.

Dustin smiled. The sound was like music to his ears.

“I am showing you how to sell a dress.”

“Wait, are you putting it on? You just gave me crap for asking you to write down a description and you are actually going to wear a dress?”

He ignored her. When he had the dress on, he opened the curtain and glided out.…

To several more salespeople in the audience, covering their mouths with their hands. Rylie’s eyes were as wide as saucers.

Undeterred, he sauntered over to her and struck a pose. “Lesson the first. You should always be having fun.”

“You’re nuts!” Rylie laughed.

Dustin reached for her hand and helped her down from the podium. “No, I am just comfortable with my masculinity and have absolutely no issue putting on a dress if it will make you relax.”

The dress he’d put on was just below his knees, which he figured meant the dress was probably supposed to land around the average woman’s ankles. When he spun, the skirt came up, and Rylie squealed with laughter. Dustin caught Jasmine’s eye and signaled for her to take pictures of Rylie’s glee. When he took her hand and spun her around, she didn’t stop giggling and he grinned.

Finally, she came to a stop and he put his hands on her shoulders, giving them a tiny squeeze. “Now, if I can strut my stuff in this breezy scrap of cloth, you should be able to make me want whatever you try on next. You just got to work it.

Rylie covered his hands with hers. “Put me in, Coach and I won’t let you down.”

Mesmerized by the twinkle in her eyes, he almost forgot that they weren’t alone. But when several titters around them halted his desire to kiss her, he stepped back with a grin.