“He’s in there,” Dustin said, waving toward the living room.

When Luke came through and joined them, he smiled grimly. “Long time no see.”

“Yeah, I know. She needs to go to a hospital,” Dustin said.

Rylie shook her head, then moaned. “No, I’m fine.”

Dustin scoffed. “She always says that. Don’t listen to her.”

“And he’s always bossy, so don’t mind him.”

Luke’s gaze shifted between them and then he burst out laughing.

“What’s so funny? She’s hurt, man,” Dustin said, anger leaking into his voice.

“Sorry, it’s just…never mind.”

He got up and walked into the other room. When the paramedics came in and got her onto the gurney, he kept a hold of her hand.

“You’re going to stay with me, right?”

He squeezed it. “Sure, I’ll stay.

Chapter 28

On Monday morning, Rylie woke up with her face buried in the back of Raider’s fur, the smell of baked goods wafting into the room. She started to sit up and winced as her hand grazed the bump on the back of her head.

Raider flipped over onto his back, giving her a goofy grin. The poor guy had several cuts and abrasions on his muzzle and body from trying to break out of his cage during her attack. She’d made Dustin take him to the vet to make sure he was all right, and found out that afterward they’d gone through the McDonald’s drive through for burgers. The last thing she needed was her already spoiled dog thinking he’d get cheeseburgers during every car ride.

“Who is mama’s brave boy?” She kissed his nose and climbed out of the bed, padding down the hallway to the living room. Dustin had wanted her to come back to his home after she’d been discharged, but she refused to let Will ruin her first chance to be on her own. She had been grateful that Dustin had hired someone to clean it before she’d come home. She didn’t want to see blood on the ground where Will’s nose had gushed after Dustin had broken it.

She shivered as she thought about what had almost happened in such a small, idyllic town. And from what they found in Will’s car, it turned out she wasn’t the first woman he’d stalked and…

Well, he hadn’t had the chance to do worse, but as of yesterday, they had connected Will to five unsolved rapes in El Dorado County. There was a good chance she’d have to testify when it came time for his trial, but she wasn’t scared of facing him.

In fact, the last few months had shown her that she didn’t need to be afraid of anything. She was strong. She was smart.

And she was in love.

She rounded the corner with Raider tripping her up and found Dustin in a pair of sweats, shirtless and dancing as he mixed up something in one of her good Pyrex bowls.

“Whatcha you got there, Chef Boyardee?” she said.

He jumped, and spun around, never slowing his mixing. “I’m making you something special.”

“Oh yeah? I want to taste.”

“Nuh uh!” He held the bowl away from her. “You will wait for the finished product.” In a terrible French accent, he said, “Now, geet out of my keetchen.”

Rylie leaned against the doorjamb and smiled. “I love you.”

Dustin froze, staring at her like a deer caught in a set of headlights. “What did you say?”

Okay, so maybe she wasn’t as brave as she thought. Suddenly, her palms were sweating bullets and her heart wouldn’t stop racing.

“I said that I’m in love with you. And it’s okay if you don’t feel the same way, but I wanted to tell you because life is too short not to say it. You know? Dustin?” He was like the Tin Man without his oil. “Blink once if you’re okay, twice if I need to call for help.”

“I…damn it.” He set the bowl on the counter and crossed his arms over his chest. “Why do you always surprise me?”