She took a swig of champagne from the bottle as she watched Dustin do a very clumsy version of the Macarena. When he crossed his arms, he pulled his bow tie loose and by the time he put his hands on his hips, he pushed his pants down to around his ankles.

A flash of blue and red from the main road caught the corner of Rylie’s eye, and she turned off the music and lights. “Shit, it’s the fuzz.”

“Did you just say the fuzz?”

She ran over to him and grabbed his hand. “Come on, we’ve got to hide.”

“Or we can just get in the car and if they happen to meet us on the road, we can just tell them we came down here to make out.”

“Again, not in high school. We are adults. And I am too tipsy to deal with this situation.”

Dustin bent over and pulled his pants back up. “Get in the Jeep, Tipsy, and let’s get out of here.”

By the time they started backing up, a patrol car had blocked them in.

“Ah, crap! They’re going to think we were going at it.”

“Do you want me to tell them the truth?” Dustin asked.

“Oh, God, where do I put the champagne bottle?”

Dustin took it from her and stuffed it under the backseat.

A lit flashlight tapped on his window, and when he rolled it down, Rylie recognized Luke right away.

“Hi, Luke,” she said.

“Rylie. Dustin. You two know you’re on private property, right?”

Dustin slid his arm behind her seat and squeezed her shoulder. “Yeah, sorry, Luke. We were coming back from the wedding at my mom’s winery, and Rylie said I had to pull off so she could kiss me and—ow!”

Rylie pinched him on the arm and shouted, “He’s lying, Luke! He tried to get me to go skinny dipping in the pond.”

Luke shook his head and rubbed a hand over his face. “Guys, I am way too tired for this. I’m going to write you a ticket for trespassing on private property and then I want you to take your extracurricular activities home. Capisce?”

“You got it, bud. Still invited to poker this week?” Dustin asked.

“Only if you bring two hundred bucks and promise to be on a losing streak.”

/> “I will do my best.”

When Luke walked away, Rylie shoved his shoulder gently. “I cannot believe you did that.”

“Well, since we’ve been ordered home…your place or mine?”

“Hey, buddy, I don’t know who you think I am, but I don’t put out on the first date.”

Dustin tangled his fingers in the curls falling from her up-do and kissed her so thoroughly that her toes were practically double-jointed by the time he’d pulled away.

“You were saying?”

She licked her lips. “My place, but you have to give me five minutes to pick up.”

“Come on, I don’t care what your house looks like.”

“Easy for you to say, Victoria always has your home looking like a magazine and I had four women over last night. I still think there are little dick straws all over the place and I need to do some damage control.”

Dustin laughed and kissed the side of her neck. “Fine, I’ll go home and grab a bag while you clean up. Think a half an hour will give you enough time?”