She took the main road out of town to Dustin’s house.

The road blurred and she dashed at her eyes, trying to clear her vision, but it was like trying to use wipers in the pouring rain. It just wouldn’t stop.

When she pulled up in front of his house, she stumbled out of her car and raced to his front door. She didn’t see his car and prayed he’d just pulled it into the garage.

She banged on the door, and after several moments, the door was pulled open.

Only it wasn’t Dustin but Victoria.

“Rylie? What’s happened?”

“I…I need… I need Dustin.”

“Oh, baby, he’s not here right now, but I’ll call him. Come inside and I’ll make you some tea.”

“I ca-can’t. I have to get home and let Ra-Raider out. I just… I just needed to see him.”

Victoria took her hand and dragged her inside. “You’re going to come into the kitchen and let me make you a cup of tea. Then I’m going to call Mr. Kent.”

Rylie let Victoria pull her into the kitchen and push her toward a chair. “I want you to sit there while I make you some tea.”

Rylie sat and waited, while Victoria picked up the phone and dialed. Rylie stared out the window as she listened to Victoria leave Dustin a message.

She didn’t want to be here without Dustin. As much as she loved Victoria, she didn’t feel comfortable talking to her.

When Victoria went into the other room, Rylie stood up and left. If she couldn’t be with Dustin, she’d rather be alone.

Chapter 24

Dustin got Victoria’s message while he was having dinner at his mother’s house with Charlie. He rushed back inside and told them both good-bye, ignoring their questions.

As soon as he made his escape to his car, he called Victoria.

“Is she still there?”

“No, she took off when I had my back turned. She was so upset, I really don’t think she should be driving.”

“I’m going by her place.”

“Please let me know she’s safe,” Victoria said.

Dustin hung up and stepped on the gas, heading to Rylie’s little house. He didn’t know what was going on, but Rylie wouldn’t have showed up asking for him if it wasn’t important.

By the time he stood on her porch, knocking on the front door, he was sweating and ready to tear the slab of wood off the hinges to get to her.

She pulled the door open, her face puffy and red, and the heart he never knew he had fell apart.

“Aw, baby. What happened?” He stepped inside and closed the door behind him, waiting for her to say something.

Rylie walked straight into his arms and he caught a glimpse of her face crumbling just before it buried into his chest.

“Rys, you’re scaring me.”

“I just…don’t know…what I did,” she wailed.

Dustin wrapped his arms around her, trying not

to step on Raider who was circling them. When he managed to angle them toward the couch, he sat down, and pulled her across his lap.