“You’re here!”

“Rylie.” The gorgeous young African American woman had long, wavy hair and smooth, beautiful skin. She crossed the room in no time, and wrapped Rylie up in a tight hug. Rylie had studied everything about Tonya, but had forgotten that she was six foot one without her heels. When she pulled away, Rylie had to look up at her. “I am so happy to finally meet you.”

“Likewise. How was your flight?”

Tonya released a tired breath. “Long, but worth it. I was so excited to get here and see in person everything you and Dustin have planned.”

“Where is your fiancé?” Rylie asked.

“He went on ahead to say hello to Dustin. I only caught a glimpse of him, but whoa. That is one good looking man.” Tonya tapped her finger to her red lips. “That’s just between us though.”

Rylie smiled, although the mention of Dustin brought back the sick feeling again. “Do you want to go and rest? Dustin arranged for you and Blake to stay at Castle Vineyards, in the honeymoon suite. Or we could walk the grounds and show you where everything is.”

Tonya smiled sheepishly. “To be honest, I’d love to grab a drink and get to know you. I love Blake, but talking wedding stuff with him is like him trying to talk sports with my mother. Nothing but blank stares. Unless you’ve already gotten started without me?”

Rylie cocked her head at Tonya’s grin and followed her gaze….

To the whisky bottle on Rylie’s desk.

Rylie’s cheeks flamed and she stammered, “That’s…um… It’s not mine. Dustin thought I was too nervous about meeting you and tried to give me something to relax.”

“Oh, honey, I’m just playing. I prefer margaritas anyway.” Tonya looped her arm through Rylie’s and led her out of her office.

“What is this hitch in your giddy-up?”

Rylie realized Tonya had noticed her limp. “I cut the bottom of my foot last week, but it should be fine by Saturday.”

“Ouch! What a terrible place to get sliced.”

“Yeah, it’s definitely been a hindrance.”

They bumped into Blake and Dustin in the hall, and although Rylie had only seen pictures, the six foot seven basketball player for the Los Angeles Lakers was seriously smoking hot. He’d retired at the end of last season at thirty-five, nine years older than his fiancée, but Rylie thought he looked the same age.

“Tonya, this is Dustin,” Blake said, holding his hand out to Rylie. “And you’re Rylie?”

“Yes. Good to meet you, Blake.” Giggling as his hand engulfed hers, she added, “I gotta say, you are so much bigger than you look on television.”

The wide smile revealed even white teeth. “I get that a lot.”

Tonya squeezed her arm and waved her free hand in a shooing motion. “Well, we’re going to have some girl time, and will meet you two for dinner later.”

Blake threw up his hands, addressing Dustin. “See, didn’t I tell you? She’s sick of me shrugging when she asks if I like ivory or white better.”

“No, I just know in four days I’m going to have you all to myself for two whole weeks.” Tonya leaned up and gave her fiancé a long, lingering kiss. Rylie looked away, only to catch Dustin’s gaze. He smiled at her and there was something warm in his blue eyes, something she’d never seen before.

“Have fun, baby,” Blake murmured.

“We will.” Tonya took her by the arm and led her out the door.

* * * *

Hours later, Dustin sat next to Rylie at Bow Ties Italian Restaurant. It was torture to be so close to her and not touch her.

Across from them, Blake and Tonya held hands, kissed, and practiced being as nauseating as possible. He liked them, especially Blake, who he’d always admired… But it just reminded him that he couldn’t have what he wanted.

The past week he’d been her friend, her support system, and her champion, three things he’d never been for any other woman. He had no idea why or how it had happened, but for the first time in his life, he wanted to be a boyfriend. It was weird to even think about that; he’d never experienced envy when he was around couples, but today, as Rylie was leaving with Tonya, he’d wished he had the right to kiss Rylie good-bye.