“No wonder you’re sick.”

She couldn’t process what he meant so she just shrugged. “I’m sick cause I don’t really drink and I seeded my limits.”

“I think you meant exceeded, but I think it’s cute when you mispronounce things.”

She glared at him with one eye open. “A nice man would not make fun of me in my current condition.”

“Sweetheart, I think we both know I’m not that nice.”

She opened both of her eyes again to look at his profile. “You came and got me. That makes you kind of nice.”

“Well, thank you. You’re going to turn my head with compliments like that.”

“As long as it isn’t while you’re driving, that’s okay,” she mumbled.

His pleasant chuckle was the last thing she heard before she passed out again.

* * * *

Dustin parked the car in front of Love on the Corner gas station and leaned forward so he could see Rylie’s face. She was dead asleep and there was even a trail of drool running from the corner of her mouth to her chin.

It’s really weird that I find that adorable, and not grotesque.

Dustin locked the car doors and went inside the gas station. He waved at Maggie Welton, who had been hired after Marsha Hornsby had quit the month before to run off with a truck driver. He only knew that because nobody could keep a secret in this town.

He filled two large cups with a combo of white mocha and caramel lattes. It tasted good to him, and he added a couple packages of doughnuts to the purchase.

Maggie was working the cash register, and she flashed him a wide smile. She was a couple of years older than him, and was a tiny little thing. She had married her high school boyfriend, and had two children she loved to talk about. Every time he saw her, she was showing someone pictures of them on her phone.

“Hey, Dustin! Big plans tonight?”

“Just heading home, Maggie. How is Mike and the kids?”

She beamed at him. “They’re great. Makayla is in kindergarten and I cannot wait until they are both in school full-time so I can get normal daytime hours. Working nights is killing me.”

“I bet.”

She rang up his items and he swiped his card.

“Hey, I heard that Rylie Templeton is living with you,” she said in a hushed tone.

Dustin paused as he was putting in his pin. “Where did you hear that?”

“Oh, you know this town. People talk. They say that she dumped Asher for you.”

Dustin hit the green button on the power pad and clicked his tongue. “You shouldn’t believe everything people say. Rylie’s just renting my pool house. We are coworkers. That’s it.”

“Hmm. That’s too bad. Rylie is a nice girl. She’d be good for you.” Maggie lowered her voice again and asked, “Do you know why her and Asher did break up?”

Cause he’s an abusive dick head.

“No idea. It’s none of my business, but I’ll tell her you asked after her when I see her. You have a good night now.”

“You too.”

Dustin walked out the dinging door and went around to the passenger side. If Maggie looked out and saw Rylie in his car, he didn’t give a shit. Sweetheart’s citizens gave the term “nosy neighbor” a whole new meaning.

He tapped on the window and Rylie jerked awake. “I come bearing gifts. Want to unlock it?”