“I don’t know, but it was. I can feel it in my bum.”

“I think you mean gut, sweetheart.”

Psychedelic lights were swirling behind her eyelids. “Mmmm hmmm.”

“You falling asleep on me?” he asked.

“Dah,” she mumbled.

“I’m two minutes out. Lock your doors.”

She didn’t know how long she was asleep, but when her door was yanked open, she screamed as she tumbled out. Dustin caught her with one arm before she hit the ground.

She glared up at both of his faces. “Dude, haven’t you ever heard of knocking?”

“I did, but you were passed out. I told you to lock the door,” he said.

“I forgot.”

“Okay, drunk girl. How about we get you some coffee and you can go home to sleep it off?”

Rylie’s stomach twisted painfully and bile rose in her throat. “Uh oh.”

“What uh oh?”

She pulled away from him in time to fall to her knees and vomit the contents of her stomach. The tea length skirt of her peach colored bridesmaids’ dress saved her knees from the sharp rocks of the gravel parking lot. Not her palms, though, which throbbed as the hard points dug into her skin.

Rylie felt warm hands rubbing her neck and back as she heaved. When the sick feeling finally passed, she rolled to sit on her butt against her car, not even a little sad that the dress would most likely be streaked with dirt and oil.

“Feel better?” he asked as he squatted down in front of her.


“Well, come on. I think I have some wet wipes and mints in my car.”

“Middle console,” she murmured, her eyes closing.

She heard the car door open and a few moments later, Dustin was wiping a wet towelette across her mouth and chin.

She sputtered and held her hands up weakly. “I can do it.”

“It’s already done. Here, chew on this.”

She looked down at the white piece of gum in his hand and took it before slipping it past her lips. The sour taste in her mouth disappeared, and she almost sighed aloud as she perked up a bit.

He took her hands and helped her to her feet. She was still a little unsteady, but with his assistance, managed to sink into the seat of his car with a modicum of grace.

He slid behind the wheel and shut the door. “You want that coffee now?”

When she turned her head to look at him, the dome light gave him an almost halo effect.

“You’re an angel.”

He laughed again and she smiled. I really do like his laugh.

“Maybe I’ll keep you drunk. You’re a bit like a Sour Patch Kid. First you’re sour, then you’re sweet when you’ve got the beer goggles on.”

“Mmm, rum and coke glasses, actually. Open bar.”