“Well, Rian sent me to find lunch fixings. He said you might be able to help me put something together. We’re going to ride out and check the south gate for Warren. Rian said it’d be a good idea to bring along lunch. Is that okay?”

“Oh, honey, that’s fine by me. Better than fine, actually. I worry when Warren takes it on himself to go to the far edges of the property. He hates cell phones and refuses to carry one so I never know if he’s going to be all right. At our age, we can’t be too careful but the old coot acts as if he’s still sixteen.”

Even though she was chastising his stubborn nature, the words were said with such warmth and open adoration that CoCo smiled. How lucky for Warren that he’d found a woman who seemed equally as wonderful as the first love of his life. “We’re happy to help. Is there anything else that needs to be done?” she asked. “I can wash dishes if you need.”

“No worries, sugar. I like doing dishes. Helps me think. You’re helping me plenty by going with Rian to check on that south gate. Warren worries about everything and refuses to hire out for a darn thing. Until Kane and Laci built their house here on the property, Warren was doing everything himself and it was plumb wearing him out.”

CoCo knew her father was equally stubborn about his business. He allowed very few people to have a hand in the design of the new lines, preferring to oversee every detail, almost obsessively, until they went into mass production. Even then, he insisted on touring the factories to ensure that a quality product was being churned out.

“So you and Cora Bradford were friends before she died?”

“Thick as thieves,” Adeline answered with a firm nod. “She was the finest woman alive. Heart bigger than most and with a talent in the kitchen that could rival any fancy chef. She was just good at making anything she tried her hand at if it were something you put in your mouth. She always won the pie contests.” She sighed with the memory. “The world lost a good one, for sure. I miss her something fierce but it’s nothing compared to how Warren misses her.”

“Yes, but he has you now, right?”

“Oh, honey, I’ll never replace Cora and I’m okay with that. I’m just blessed to have what time I got with him.”

CoCo was floored by how humble and genuinely good-hearted the woman was. It made her wish Miss Plix was still around because she had a feeling if her nanny had lived, CoCo’s life would’ve been a lot different. For one, she wouldn’t have supported the way CoCo had learned to manipulate her parents for her own gain. Suddenly ashamed, she said, “He’s lucky to have you.” She went to the sink and began to wash her hands, saying, “Okay, so what can I do to help? I can make sandwiches if you point me in the right direction.”

“All righty! Sounds like a plan. There’s some fresh roast beef and cheese in the fridge. I’ll start chopping the lettuce and tomatoes. Oh, and I just picked up some of that fancy focaccia bread that will taste real yummy with that roast beef.”

Within a half hour, CoCo and Adeline had fixed up a decent picnic lunch and stuffed it into a soft cooler that could be secured onto the saddle. “You have fun and enjoy yourself. It’s going to be a fine day for a picnic,” Adeline said, shooing her off. “I’ll see you back at supper. Steaks and potatoes are on the menu tonight.”

CoCo nodded and grabbed the cooler, heading out toward the barn, where Rian was supposed to be saddling the horses. She’d always loved her horses but it’d been so long since she’d actually made the time to go riding. It was amazing how less important things somehow took precedence in your life when you weren’t paying attention. She entered the barn and inhaled the scent of horses and hay, a smell that’d always been so comforting to her. She found Rian with two horses, saddled and ready.

“You can have Amelia, and I’ll take Dancer. They’re both good, steady horses with good legs.”

“Thanks,” she said, handing him the picnic cooler. After they’d led their horses out of the barn, they hoisted themselves into the saddles.

CoCo glanced over at Rian and her breath caught. Why did he get sexier by the minute? There was something about the way he sat on a horse that squeezed every last bit of air from her lungs and made her stomach muscles tremble. He flashed her a smile, seeming to appreciate the way she didn’t need any help, and then made a clicking noise, leading the horse out into the pasture. She did the same and they rode side by side, enjoying the cool breeze and the warm sun.