For fuck’s sake, stop being a damn pervert!
Turning away, he climbed up into the van and tried to avoid Best’s gaze, afraid he’d be able to tell how bad Blake was fighting a grin.
“So, what was that about? It looked pretty friendly.”
He glanced at Best and saw the telltale twinkle in his blue eyes.
“It was nothing. I’m going to show her some self-defense moves. She’s still a little freaked about what happened the other day.”
“I’ll bet those aren’t the only moves you’re gonna show her.” Best wiggled his eyebrows at him before starting the van up.
And he’s back to his barely mature self.
“You’re an idiot.”
“Should we tell Bryce you’re back on the wagon?” Best asked as he backed out of the parking spot.
“Hell no, don’t tell her anything. That girl is a monster, and the sooner the female center opens and she’s no longer all up in my business, the better.”
“Come on, Bryce’s not so bad. She just likes attention and for everyone to like her. I can relate.”
Blake’s jaw dropped before he recovered. “All you do is mess with people!”
Best sent him a wink. “But I do it in a friendly, likable way.”
“Says you.”
Blake settled back into the seat as Best chuckled, and he realized that he was actually more excited for Monday than the Super Bowl.
“Not to be a Debbie Downer, but Sparks says the general is insisting you go to counseling.”
All of Blake’s good humor evaporated. “You had to bring this up when you’ve got me trapped in a car, huh?”
“I just wanted to say that it probably isn’t the worst idea. It really helped Sparks and me. Since Carlos pulled that gun on us in November, I’ve been going to Dr. Stabler, and I don’t know, man, sometimes just having someone to bounce feelings off can really help.”
“When did you become the poster boy for the heart-to-heart talk?” Blake knew he was being an asshole, but the last thing he wanted to talk about was his appointment on Tuesday.
“Don’t be a douche. I know I like to pretend I never take things seriously, but it seems like since we haven’t been hanging as much anymore, you’ve been kind of . . . ”
Best’s somber delivery of that single word raked over Blake like hot coals on skin. “I’m not depressed.”
“You’re drinking more and losing your temper too often.”
“Well, if I’m such a bummer to be around, then why do you bother?” Blake knew he sounded like a petulant child, but fuck, the last thing he needed was a lecture on what else was wrong with him.
Best seemed to be counting under his breath for several seconds before he finally spoke again. “If you don’t want to acknowledge the fact that you are unhappy and need help, there’s nothing I can do, but if you aren’t ready to fix yourself, then I agree; you aren’t ready to date anyone.”
Neither of them said anything else for the rest of the drive back to Alpha Dog, but Best’s words had demolished all of the light, happy feelings that seeing Hannah had elicited.
Chapter Ten