Why was he asking her about e-readers? It wasn’t just that he wanted one. It was also because he was bored and wanted to get out of the apartment. Maybe head over to Barnes & Noble and grab a coffee and look around . . .

But the thought of wandering around alone just didn’t appeal to him.

I was thinking of getting one, but wasn’t sure what to get. Was thinking about heading out and grabbing a coffee, maybe stopping by Best Buy or Barnes & Noble to check them out. Would you want to go with me?

Blake held his breath, panic setting in and churning in his stomach. But the excitement at her response seemed to override everything else.

Sure. Want me to meet you?

It didn’t make sense to take two cars, but having Hannah alone, two feet from him in a small area, left his mouth dry.

I’ll pick you up. What’s your address?

HANNAH THREW EVERYTHING out of her closet and was still convinced she had nothing to wear that didn’t look absolutely horrible. She’d finally settled on a light blue cowl-necked sweater and a pair of blue jeans when he knocked on the door.

Milo stood in front of the door barking like crazy while Hannah shushed at him.

“Stop it.” She opened the door, and Milo tried to push past her to get to Blake. Picking him up, she smiled out at Blake, who stood on the porch in a baseball cap, sweatshirt, and jeans.

She’d never been into men in hats before, but there was something about Blake in one that definitely got her motor running.

“Sorry, let me just put him

in his kennel.”

“No problem.”

Hannah ran Milo into the kitchen, giving him a puppy Milk-Bone and filling up his water dish before locking him inside.

“Nice place,” Blake said behind her.

She stood up and looked around at her small white kitchen; she’d always thought it was a little sterile looking, but it was cozy and all she needed.

“Thanks.” Standing in the doorway of her kitchen made Blake seem bigger, his shoulders taking up half the space and his head just nearly touching the top of the frame. “Shall we go?”

Blake nodded but didn’t move, and as she drew closer, he stepped aside to let her pass and followed behind her out the door. She was completely aware of his presence at her back, and she felt awkward and clunky as she walked.

She locked her front door and could almost feel the warmth of his breath on her neck. “I like you in blue.”

Her head jerked up in surprise. “Thank you.”

“Is blue your favorite color?”

No, it’s green with little flecks of gray, like your eyes.

“It is.”

“Mine, too.”

They headed for the car, and Hannah twisted her hand around her purse strap, unsure of how to keep things going. At the diner, she never had any trouble talking to him, but now that they were completely alone, she wasn’t sure what to say. Especially since they’d said they were just going to be friends. There was all of this tension between them. It was hard to just be friends with a guy when you knew exactly how his lips felt against yours.

Blake got her door, and Hannah stepped inside with a quiet thank-you.

Hannah watched him run around the front of the car to the driver’s side and took a deep breath.

Okay, I can do this. Just ask him questions about the e-reader. About the therapy dogs.

As he climbed inside, Hannah said, “So, what made you decide to go looking for an e-reader tonight?”