Page 86 of One More Time

“I take it you want to come over and get it?” I asked.

“I do. I’ll be over in a second.”

I rolled out of bed and made my way to my bathroom. I plucked his cologne off the counter and waited on the couch for him. If he was worried about his cologne, it meant he had a date tonight. Lucky fucking bastard. He could easily move on from any woman, no matter how they affected him. I saw how happy he had been with Ana. They’d been all over one another, and he couldn't get enough of her. And here he was, not even a week after the cruise and ready to stick his dick in some other chick he found in some random place of his.

A knock came at the door, and I sighed as I got up.

“Where’d you find her this time?” I asked as I handed him his cologne.

“You look like shit, dude.”

“Wow. I can’t imagine why no woman wants to settle down with you,” I said.

“And I found her on the cruise,” he said.

“Ah, someone else from our class? Let me guess, you’re finally gonna fuck Emma Deese.”

I saw a hesitant look in Tommy’s eyes and I got curious. If there was one thing Tommy wasn’t, it was hesitant. If anything, he was overly confident and boastful about his escapades. I leaned against the doorframe and studied him as his eyes darted around, the cologne bottle twirling in his fingers.

“Who is it?” I asked.

“It’s Ana,” he said.

Her name hit me square in my chest. Ana? He was going on a date with Ana? Like, a legitimate date? Disappointment barreled over my system as question after question rose to my mind. Ana was still in town? Did that mean Chanel was still in town? How had he gotten in touch with Ana? I wasn’t aware they had exchanged numbers.

Then, I looked at what Tommy was wearing. He wasn’t in a pair of his nice jeans and a shirt that could easily be ripped off or some shit. He was dressed up – actually dressed up – in a suit with a button-down shirt and a jacket with shoes that shone.

He looked sharp. Really fucking sharp.

“Holy shit, you’re going on an actual date,” I said.

“I already told you that.”

“No, no. You’re picking her up and everything, aren’t you?” I asked.

Tommy looked embarrassed as his eyes shot down the hallway.

“Yeah, man. I am. I’m picking Ana up in about half an hour.”

“How is she?” I asked.

“She’s good. Yeah. Still in the area. Lives in the heart of Miami, near where she works.”

“I wasn’t aware the two of you had exchanged numbers.”

“We didn’t. I ran into her in the grocery store, of all places,” he said.

“Well, I’m happy for you.”

“Your face doesn’t look happy.”

“Don’t mind my face. I am happy for you, man, I really am. This is huge for you. Will you let me know how it goes?”

“Can you handle that?” he asked.

“Of course I can, dick. I wanna know all about it. You know, minus the details I know will be coming later tonight.”

Tommy snickered as a smile bloomed across his face. I had never seen my best friend like this. He was smitten with someone. It was a good look on him, and part of me was genuinely happy for him. But part of me was jealous. It should be Chanel and I going on a date. After our history and the passion we shared on that boat, Chanel and I should be doing this too.