Page 83 of One More Time

“He was trying to find you yesterday. I take it he didn’t?”

“Nope, but I got the message loud and clear. Hope the two of you are happy,” I said.

“What?” she asked.

“Don’t play stupid,” Ana said. “Chanel saw you two in the casino.”

“Then why the hell didn’t you come up to us?”

“The two of you looked like you were having a grand old time,” I said.

“Hardly. I was apologizing to him for what happened in high school.”

“Uh-huh. And just exactly what happened between you two in high school? Tell me. It would be wonderful to get some clarity on this before I left and never laid eyes on you two again,” I said.

“Look, I’m sorry for what I did, okay? But that shit was ten years ago. You gotta get over that.”

“You’re sorry for pushing yourself into a car with a man who didn’t want you? Thanks.”

“Would you just listen, Chanel? I’m trying to tell you what happened.”

“Then get on with it. I want off this ship,” I said.

“What happened that night, it isn’t what you think. Rhett didn’t cheat on you. Nothing happened.”

“Then what did happen?” I asked. “Please. Enlighten me.”

“I was Luke’s date to prom that night,” she said.

“Lucky you,” Ana said with a murmur.

“He told me he wanted to try and make you jealous, and he thought taking me to prom would do that. But when he saw how close you and Rhett were, it made him upset. He agreed to pay me two hundred and fifty dollars to try and separate the two of you. At the very least, keep Rhett occupied so he could talk with you.”

“What?” I asked flatly.

“And I want to apologize. I needed the money. I was in a bad situation, and my siblings and I weren’t eating. I saw a quick way to make money, so I could feed them, so I took it. He paid me, and I saw my moment when the two of you split off. I drugged his drink and followed Rhett out to his car, and when he jumped in, I followed shortly behind.”

“Luke paid you?” Ana asked.

“Why are you just telling me this now?” I asked. “Why the hell didn’t you tell me this ten years ago when it could’ve made a damn difference?”

“I was scared Luke would ask for the money back if I came clean, and I had no way to get it back to him. I’m sorry, Chanel. But when I saw you in the shadows watching them load that man onto this boat in handcuffs, I knew I had to come clean to someone. Rhett sat down at the casino bar where I already was, so I took the opportunity.”

“He didn’t meet you there?” I asked.

“Nope. Had no idea I was there until I said something. I’m sorry, Chanel. I never meant to put a dent like that in your relationship with him. But damn, girl, that was ten years ago. Come on.”

“You don’t get to pull something like that and then lecture me on how I’m supposed to deal with it,” I said.

“It was a stupid decision born out of financial need and the social need to be popular. I truly do regret it, and I’m sorry if you don’t understand that, but at least accept your responsibility in all of this.”

I was beside myself. Responsibility? She had hopped into a car with Rhett after being paid to do so, and she was lecturing me on responsibility? I took a step back like I had been slapped as Evelyn’s eyes raked up and down my form. My mind was screaming at me to say something while trying to digest what she had just told me.

“Neither of you were to blame for what happened in high school, but you allowing that memory to wreck what you could have with a great guy who obviously still carries a torch for you isn’t my fault. I can tell just by the look in your eye that you haven’t forgiven him for what happened. You’ve held it close to your chest and allowed it to affect you in ways it never should have,” Evelyn said.

“She’s got a point,” Ana said.

“Shut up,” I said. “Why didn’t you tell both of us when you saw us on the pool deck that day? When we were all sitting there and you walked by?”