Page 63 of One More Time

“Keeping each other company is all we’re doing. It was fun hooking up with randoms those first couple of days, but Ana’s pussy is way too good to give up now. I’ve got a few more tricks for her before we hit Miami on Monday.”

“What happened to one and done?”

“For most women, sure, but Ana isn’t most women.”

“She’s isn’t? And how do you figure?”

“I hear your damn grin from the bathroom, funny boy. What I mean is, why would I deny a woman with curves and a tight body who keeps coming back to me? Why expend the energy to find it when she’s practically throwing herself at me?”

“Whatever you say, Tommy,” I said.

“Don’t worry, Rhett. You aren’t losing your wingman that easily.”

“Trust me. That was the least of my worries,” I said. “The last time you wingmanned for me, you took the woman home yourself.”

“And I saved you a lot of heartache. That was a freaky bitch. Wanted me to slap her and shit. She would’ve spiraled your PTSD.”

“I don’t have PTSD,” I said.

“Then she spiraled mine, and I didn’t even know I had it.”

I laughed as Tommy emerged from the bathroom. He was dressed in a very nice outfit, way nicer than any of the ones he had worn all week. He was looking at himself in the mirror and smoothing his hands down his shirt like he was going on his first fucking date or something.

“My little boy’s all grown up,” I said.

“You’re a cock and a hypocrite,” Tommy said.

“A hypocrite? For what?” I asked.

“I see you with Chanel. You wanna tease me about Ana, but the two of you are getting cozy. It’s like flashbacks every time I see you two together. What gives?”

“Like you, we’re having fun,” I said.

“Uh-huh. And what’s gonna happen to that fun after this cruise is over?” he asked.

“The same thing that happens with all types of fun. It’ll go away, and we’ll be back in the real world.”

“Do you want that to happen?”

“I’m not sure I have a choice if you’re seriously asking. I can’t really get a read on her, and with all this shit that went down with Luke, it’s got to be the furthest thing from her mind.”

“Yeah, so let me get this straight. Some geeky boy from high school went psycho on her, wrote her some bullshit notes, followed her around, and then attacked her in a bathroom?” he asked.

“Yep. And I beat the shit out of him,” I said.

“Fucking good on you. Men like that are disgusting. What is this shrine she mentioned, though? Was it like one of those Criminal Minds things? With her picture made of gum and shit?”

“What the hell do you watch for entertainment?” I asked. “It was only pictures of her. A lot of them. Of her walking around the ship and standing on the balcony with me. Her high school picture was there, blown up with candles surrounding it. At least, that’s how she described it to me.”

“That’s some fucked up shit. I hope that crazy asshole rots in prison. Oh, shit! I’m late.”

“What? Late? What are you late for?” I asked.

“I told Ana I’d knock on her door at seven. It’s fifteen past.”

“Don’t worry. She’s probably hiking those tits up for you,” I said.

“Oh, don’t tease me. My heart can’t take it.”