Page 41 of One More Time

“Because not only are you a hugely successful writer, but you’re also clearly the most beautiful woman in our entire class. These last ten years have only enhanced your beauty.”

“Well thank you for saying so, it’s very kind of you,” I said, feeling more and more uncomfortable with each pass of his eyes over my face and cleavage.

“You know, you deserve better than him. You always did,” Luke said, his gaze darkening just a little.

“Who?” I asked, trying to play dumb, though I knew damn well who he was talking about.

“Now, now, no need to play coy with me, Chanel. You’re much smarter than that,” Luke said, his tone condescending.

“Luke—” I started.

“No, Chanel, it’s as true now as it was then. He didn’t deserve you and he still doesn’t.” Luke said firmly.

Before either of us could say another word, the waiter came to clear our plates. The band took the stage and was preparing to play a set for dancing. I folded my napkin in my lap and pushed my chair back from the table.

“I’m sorry Luke, but I’m really not up for dancing tonight, I feel a migraine coming on and I’d really like to just get back to my room and relax.”

Disappointment and a flash of anger crossed his face and then was gone just as quickly.

“Absolutely, I can walk you back to your room,” Luke said, getting to his feet.

“No, that’s ok,” I said. “I’ll be fine, you should stay and enjoy the music.”

“Nonsense. What gentleman would let you walk alone when you’re not feeling well.”

Sensing that I was not going to get out of it, I allowed Luke to walk with me. I tried to find a way to make a clean getaway before we got to the elevators. Luke was seriously creeping me out and I didn’t want him to know what room I was in.

As we reached the elevator, Luke leaned in and tried to kiss me. I tried to sidestep him, but he had me pinned between him and the elevator. Mercifully, before his lips could reach mine, the doors opened behind me and Ana’s voice sounded.

“There you are,” she said, pulling me into the elevator and slamming her palm on the “close door” button in one fell swoop.

I collapsed against her and threw my arms around her. “Oh, thank fuck you were here,” I said.

“Yeah, no shit,” she said. “What the fuck was going on? Was he actually trying to kiss you?” she asked.

“Yes! Oh my God, Ana, you were totally right. He is so creepy!” I shuddered and wrapped my arms around myself. “He kept talking about how beautiful and wonderful I was, and that Rhett never deserved me.”

“Well I can’t really argue with him on that point,” Ana muttered.

I shot her a warning look and she raised her hands in mock surrender. “Okay, okay. So, what are you going to do about it?” she asked.

“He’ll go away if I just ignore him,” I said.

Ana put her hand on her hip and cocked her head. “Has he so far?” she asked.

I shook my head, “No.”

“No. He’s been following you around, making suggestive comments, and he doesn’t even wait for you to say it’s okay before he plops down next to you and starts putting his hands on you. It’s not okay, Chanel. I know you two were sort of friendly in high school, and that you don’t have a mean bone in your body, but he’s obviously not the nice guy he used to be, and you need to fucking grow a pair and put him in his place.”

“But what if he’s the one who wrote the letter? What if I confront him and he becomes violent? There’s something about the way he looks at me that tells me he could be dangerous. I just don’t want to provoke him,” I said.

“Well you don’t have to provoke him to protect yourself,” Ana said. “Take the letters to security, or hell, take them to Rhett even. You know he’ll protect you.”

I knew Ana was right, but part of me still just wanted to bury my head in the sand. I should’ve just stayed the fuck home like I’d wanted to in the first place. Then I wouldn’t be confused as shit over the things happening with Rhett, and I wouldn’t be being stalked by a looney classmate.

I sighed as I shuffled into our room and flopped down on the couch. I closed my eyes as Ana continued to drone on about what she thought I should do. All I wanted was dinner and some peace and quiet. I didn’t want to have to deal with anything else right now.

I heard Ana turn the television on as she picked up the phone in the room.