Page 347 of One More Time

“Five beers, please.”

I was pulled from my thoughts by a familiar voice. When I looked up, I was met with those dreamy icy blue eyes and shaggy black hair. I grinned as Jacob stood in front of me, his chiseled physique leaning against the bar.

“Fancy seeing you again,” I said, grinning. “Five beers? Aren’t there only three of you?”

“Nope,” Jacob said.

I watched as four other men appeared at Jacob’s sides. They were all wearing the same leather jackets, and they were indeed navy blue. They each had a different shade of piercing blue eyes, ranging from Jacob’s icy gaze to Adam’s deep ocean blues. I nodded toward Nick as he bowed his head to me, but there were two men I didn’t recognize, though they looked like the rest of them.

Except these two were identical fucking twins. Could this family get any fucking hotter?

“I don’t think we’ve met yet,” one of the twins said. “I’m Tanner.”

“And I’m Tyler,” said the other.

“It’s nice to meet you both, and now I see why Jacob here needed five beers,” I said.

“Yep. He said he was going to get the drinks tonight, but I didn’t realize he was also going to be hogging the most beautiful girl in this room,” Tanner said.

“And we weren’t going to let Jacob have all the fun tonight,” Tyler said.

“Well, I see charm runs in the family. What kind of beer do you guys want?”

“Got a special going?” Nick asked.

“Two fifty for all long-necked Coronas,” I said.

“Sounds good to me. Five Coronas, five limes, please, Emma,” Adam said.

Then, all five of them sat down at the bar in front of me.

“Five Coronas with lime coming up,” I said, still tingling all over from the sound of my name rolling off Adam’s tongue.

As I looked around the bar, I noticed there were a lot of men in here with the same leather cuts. They had on the same navy-blue material, and I figured their entire club had come in for drinks. I slid beers to each of them and watched as their large, strong hands caught them languidly. Five sets of long, thick fingers curled around their beers.

Fuck, there wasn’t a damn thing about these men that wasn’t attractive.

“So, I haven’t seen you guys around town,” I said.

“Our club is relatively new to the area. We all just came from a meeting,” Adam said.

“I suggested this bar,” Jacob said.

“He’s the VP,” Nick said.

“Well, aren’t you important?” I teased with a smile. “What’s your club’s name?”

“Road Warriors,” Tyler said.

“How long have you guys been out this way?” I asked.

“About six months,” Tanner said.

“Moved this way from the Lodi area,” Tyler added.

“You been around Lucas Corner long?” Adam asked.

“Born and raised,” I answered.