Page 319 of One More Time

“Sorry, Dad,” Adam said.

“Yeah, sorry for ruining your dinner,” I said.

I continued shooting a look of death at Adam, though. I wasn't sorry for what I'd said to him, just that it upset my father.

“Malcolm, you're a grown man with a child on the way, it's time you acted like it,” Dad said. “And Adam, stop looking for trouble. Stop goading him. If Malcolm says he doesn't know this girl, drop it. No need to upset Danielle by spreading rumors.”

Danielle piped up, “Thank you, Mr. Crane.”

I gritted my teeth but focused on my food. I pushed the meat around on my plate, my appetite gone, and didn't say another word for the rest of the dinner. Casey had apparently met Adam, and I had no idea what Adam knew or didn't know. I wasn't prepared to introduce Casey to my family yet. Honestly, it was nice not to have her involved with all the drama.

Not only that, I didn't want to mess things up with her by introducing her to the likes of Adam or Danielle. I knew those two conniving schemers would stop at nothing to sabotage my efforts. I also didn't want her hurt or involved with people who would hurt her. Adam knew about her though, and I had no idea what he had up his sleeve.

Alba came out and cleared the plates and served each of us a slice of triple chocolate cake. I'd barely touched my food, and when she put the plate in front of me, I shook my head.

“No thank you,” I said softly.

I stood from the table. “If you'll excuse me,” I said. “It's been a long day and I'm ready to hit the hay.”

“Sit down, Malcolm,” Dad ordered. “Dinner isn't over yet.”

Mom, Adam and Danielle looked at me. No one had even touched their dessert yet.

“It is for me,” I said.

I put my napkin down on the table and pushed my chair back into place before leaving the dining room. No one else said a word as I went. Not even my father. I heard footsteps approaching from behind me though, light heels clicking on the hardwood floors and I didn't have to turn around to know who it was.

“Malcolm, wait,” Danielle said, grabbing my arm just as I was about to go up the stairs. “Please. Can we talk, alone?”

“There's nothing to talk about, Danielle,” I said.

“I don't believe you,” she said.

She stepped in front of me, blocking the stairwell. Once upon a time, I'd thought she was the most beautiful woman in the world. With pale, blonde hair and sun kissed skin, she was radiant. Her blue eyes were wide and innocent, and I hadn't seen a single imperfection on her face or body.

Now though, that view of her had been tainted and I saw without the rose-colored glasses I'd always seen her through before. I noticed the frown lines forming on her face. Saw that her dress hung loosely on her frame – much too large for her. She'd lost weight. Quite a bit of it, judging by how slack the dress was on her body. I would have expected that she'd gain wait, being pregnant and all. Her hands rested on her flat belly, a nervous light in her eyes, and still no sign of a baby growing inside of her.

“Danielle, are you really pregnant?” I asked her.

“Yes, of course,” she said. “Why would I lie to you?”

“Oh, gee, I don't know. Maybe, because our entire relationship was a lie, and you're trying to get back with me so you can sink your teeth into my checkbook?”

“Listen, Malcolm,” she said, bringing her hand up to touch my face.

Her perfectly manicured nail ran down the side of my cheek, and I backed away from her touch. The pain was clear on her face.

“I know I screwed up, but do you really think Adam would keep his mouth shut if he thought this might be his child?”

“It might not be his either,” I said. “Because we both know you were with more than just the two of us.”

“No, I wasn't,” she said. “And I can prove it to you.”

“How?” I scoffed.

“I'd like you to talk to Tyler,” she said. “He can clear everything up.”

“You want me to talk to the man you cheated on me with?” I said and laughed. “Seriously?”