Page 308 of One More Time

Casey, went to grab us a bite to eat. Be back soon. Malcolm.

He was coming back, with food. For both of us. A smile spread so wide across my face, it almost hurt. I dropped the note and reprimanded myself – don't get attached, Casey. He's being nice because you're doing him a favor, not because he cares for you. Don't forget that.

His words from earlier, when we were in the midst of making love, echoed through my ears though, and seemed to counter that argument.

So what if I drove him crazy? It didn't mean he could – or would – ever love me or want to be with me. I had a chance to change my life and the lives of my family. I couldn’t screw it up by being overly emotional.

I was in the middle of an internal argument when the door opened, and Malcolm stepped inside with In-n-Out bags in his hands.

“Figured you're a California girl,” he said, his hair wet as if he’d showered. “And what true Californian doesn't love In-n-Out, am I right?”

“Malcolm, you really didn't have to go to all the trouble,” I said.

“I know I didn't have to,” he said, plopping down on the bed beside me. “I wanted to. Figured you'd be hungry when you woke up. I know I was.”

He pulled out a cheeseburger and handed it over to me, an adorable smile on his face. “I hope you like Animal Style fries.”

“Duh, who doesn't?” I said.

“Good girl, that's what I wanted to hear,” he said. “Think we should eat at the table?”

“Probably be less messy,” I said.

I was naked underneath the blanket still, and even though Malcolm had seen me in all my glory already, the idea of standing up now and exposing myself stressed me out a bit. Being naked in the middle of sex was one thing, but afterward, when the passions had cooled, would he still find me as attractive?

Not that it matters, I reminded myself.

“Yeah, you're probably right,” he said. “But, there's something incredibly indulgent about eating in bed. Probably because we were never allowed to do it as kids.”

“My parents couldn't have cared less if I ate in bed or not,” I told him.

He cocked his head to the side like a puppy. “Really? There were no rules against it?”

“Nope. None,” I replied. “Truthfully, my mom was always at work and couldn't micromanage us like that. And Dad – Dad didn't really care what we did.”

“You have siblings?” he asked.

“I do,” I said.

He opened the wrapper on his burger and started eating, right there in bed. There was a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth and he almost looked like a kid who thought they were getting away with something. It was actually kind of adorable.

“Tell me about them,” he said. “I was an only child. Always wanted a sister or brother, though.”

“Well, Sierra is sixteen going on twenty-five,” I said as I unwrapped my burger. “Smart girl but thinks she's smarter than she is. Still, I think she'll get into a good college one day and make us all proud.”

“You didn't go to college?” he asked.

I took a bite from my burger, and stared down at it as I chewed, taking my time.

“I went, but I didn't finish,” I said. “My dad got injured at his construction job, and someone had to take care of things. I'd always planned to go back, but it never worked out.”

“I'm sorry to hear that,” he said.

His voice was soft and sounded sincere, the look on his face one of genuine compassion. I shrugged and changed the subject as fast as I could.

“I also have a younger brother, Nick,” I said. “He's fourteen, going to be fifteen in two months. He's into sports, big time.”

I piled some fries in my mouth, making sure I got one smothered in Thousand Island. Malcolm reached over and wiped some dressing from my mouth with a napkin, and it somehow felt completely natural. He didn't even seem to realize he'd done it, but my lip tingled from where he'd touched me.