Page 287 of One More Time

Not that I could care for another child. I had enough on my plate as it was. But, the idea of going through pregnancy and labor was too much for me. One day, I wanted children, but not like that. Not that I could see myself ever being able to afford having children of my own. Not living like we were.

I fell into a restless sleep, tossing and turning and dreaming about being homeless with my siblings, on the streets of Hollywood, begging for food.

If I didn't find another job – and fast – that future actually might not be too far off.



I sat in my office at Crane Enterprise, scouring internet dating sites, growing more and more frustrated with each passing minute. I had to physically restrain myself from putting my fist through the computer screen.

How did you even go about asking someone you don't know to have a child with you? How do you even choose someone to do something like that?

Asking Casey had clearly been a mistake. Her temper and stubbornness might have been sexy, but it was also trouble. I should have known better than to even mention it, but there was something about her I found entirely alluring and compelling. I was definitely drawn to her in ways I still couldn't quite understand.

Of course, none of that mattered now. She'd said no and got really pissed off at me for even suggesting it, so I was going to have to look elsewhere. The problem was, that on this site, every profile I pulled up on my computer got a big, fat “NO” from me. It wasn't like I was getting any closer to finding a suitable surrogate.

A knock at my office door pulled me away from the computer. I minimized the screen and sat up, clearing my throat.

“Come in.”

When the door opened, I groaned and rolled my eyes. Adam smirked at me, sauntered in, and took a seat across from me. He leaned back in the seat and put his feet up on the corner of my desk – which annoyed me to no end.

“Get your feet off my desk,” I said. “Or I'll take them down for you.”

He left them up for another

minute and when I continued glaring at him, he smirked, shook his head, and finally removed them.

“What do you want?” I asked.

“Grumpy, aren't we, Malcolm?” he said, shaking his head. “It's understandable. I guess the idea of potentially losing your inheritance and position in the company would do that to a person.”

“Like you're any closer to getting the job done.”

His smirk grew wider. “Actually, I am,” he said. “But, that's not what I came to discuss.”

“You actually found someone willing to have your baby?” I looked at him, feeling dumbstruck.

“You act like that's shocking but come on – I'm an heir to the Crane fortune,” he said. “Of course I have women who are willing to do anything to be with me to get a slice of that pie.”

“I guess when you set your standards low enough –” I was being petty, and I knew it, butI didn't care.

Adam's smile faltered as he stared back at me. We looked a lot alike, in many ways, except that he had his mother's brown eyes instead of the Crane baby blues.

“Sorry, Adam,” I said, not quite understanding why I felt the need to apologize. “I guess I'm just feeling the pressure here.”

I always tried to be nice to my half-brother, even though he didn't deserve it most of the time. Most days, I felt like his only purpose was to mock me, to make my life a living hell – a role he embraced with vigor, which made it extra hard to be cordial to him.

“Apology accepted,” he said. “I actually didn't come over here to chat about Dad's will though. I actually have a favor to ask you.”

“A favor?” I cocked an eyebrow at him.

“Yeah, Dad asked me to look over the the Orizadine files,” he said. “Said it could provide me with some useful background on the drug before it hits the market. Thought maybe you'd know where I can find those?”

“Sure, they're on the drive,” I said. “I'll send you the link. Is there anything else?”

“Yes, please. If you could send over all files relating to the drug trials, the marketing materials, and anything else you might have, that would be great,” he said. “I'm introducing a new marketing campaign to Dad based around the new drug, and I'd – ”