Page 268 of One More Time

“It's okay,” Malcolm said, bringing my hand to his lips and giving it a quick kiss. “It was stupid of me anyway. A fleeting idea. I shouldn't even think like that. Forget I said anything at all.”

He hurried inside the men's restroom, and I cursed myself. Dammit.

I should never be allowed to talk to anyone ever again.


“You actually accused him of wanting to murder you?” Raya screeched.

Her laughter filled the IHOP and caused everyone to turn and stare. I felt the heat creep into my cheeks and wanted to crawl under the table and die. I tried to silence her, but there was no use. Apparently, after she'd left the club, she found another one to drink at. She'd had a few shots before meeting me at IHOP and was thoroughly sloshed.

“You're so smooth, Casey. No wonder I love you,” she said, picking at the fruit on her plate.

There really weren't a whole lot of vegan options at IHOP for Raya. As much as I'd have killed for some pancakes, I hadn't made enough during my shift tonight to justify splurging on myself. Not with the electric bill due.

“It's not like he wants to date me or anything,” I said, taking a sip from my coffee mug. The warmth from the cup felt good against my hands. “He probably just wanted to proposition me. Too many guys think we're the prostitutes.”

Raya rolled her eyes. “Seriously, tell me about it,” she said. “Not that I have to deal with that anymore.”

“Lucky you,” I mumbled.

I hated being jealous of people. It served no purpose at all. Still, seeing Raya be able to just up and quit on a whim like that was enviable. I couldn't imagine leaving a well-paying job without having an even better one lined up, no matter the circumstances. I just wasn't wired that way. Of course, not having anybody to rely on but myself – and having others relying on me – helped keep my head in the game, right where it needed to be.

Not that it didn't get old sometimes. It really did.

Raya checked the time on her

iPhone, and her eyes grew wide. “Shit. I have to go. I'm so sorry for cutting out on you like this,” she said. “My grandparents are coming down from Seattle, and they'll be here in a couple hours.”

“Yikes. Have fun,” I said.

She hugged me and said, “We'll have to keep in touch,” she said. “Go out now and then, you know? Go and bang the senses out of Mr. Handsome while you're at it.”

“Of course,” I said, laughing and rolling my eyes.

When I'd find the time to go out or bang anybody, let alone Mr. Handsome, I wasn't sure. But, it was nice to have a friend. Even one that was a little flakey like Raya. That's all part of what made her unique and gave her a special kind of charm though, to be honest. She was just such a free spirit and I envied that.

“You don't sound so eager to go home, Casey,” she said, pausing in front of me. “Everything okay?”

“Am I ever eager to go home?” I snorted.

I swirled the coffee around in my cup as Raya stared down at me. I could see the concern for me in her eyes and I really didn’t want to make her worry about me. Pity was the last thing I wanted.

“It's fine,” I said. “Dad just got his social security check, which means that I'm sure he'll be wasted already.”

“This early in the morning?” Raya asked, cocking an eyebrow.

“Yeah, it's right about time for his monthly bender.”

“I'm sorry, chica,” she said. “I'd offer to let you to come over to my place, but – ”

“Grandparents. I know,” I said. “Besides, I have to get Sierra and Nick out the door for school. God knows he won't do it and mom's already left for work – so that leaves me.”

Raya's eyes softened a bit, and she looked at me as if, for the first time, she understood what I was dealing with at home. It was fleeting, though, as she checked her phone again.

“They're early! Eek!,” she said. “They'll be here in an hour, I gotta run. But, just so you know, I'm always here to talk, chica. Always.”

“Thanks, Raya,” I say, blowing her a kiss. “See you soon.”