Page 265 of One More Time

“Come on, I saw the way you looked at her,” Greg said. “But if you're not going to bone her, I will. Wouldn't want a sweet little ass like that to go to waste.”

“She's cute, I'm a warm-blooded male, so I check her out,” I said, “but I've already told you, I'm not interested in dating anyone right now. Things are way too complicated as it is.”

“Fine,” Greg said. “I guess she's all mine then.”

“Happy hunting, brother,” I said. “But, I think you're coming back from this one empty handed.”

I shook my head and focused on my drink. I knew there was no way in hell Greg was going to land Casey. She wasn't just out of his league, she was playing an entirely different game than he was. But, watching her shoot him down again and again was entertaining.

“Go for it,” I said. “And if you bed her, I'll seriously be impressed.”

Greg wasn't used to being turned down. He was an attractive, wealthy guy. Kind of like me in a lot of ways. He could get any woman he set his eyes on, normally, but Casey was different. She was a challenge. She wasn't falling for his usual tactics, which only seemed to drive Greg crazier by the minute.

My insides twisted and turned, and I took a drink of my Scotch. This feeling inside of me was unfamiliar, and I didn't like it one bit. Danielle had really fucked me over but good.

“Alright, my turn for the bathroom,” I said, sliding out of the booth. “I'll be right back.”

“If I'm not here, I'm banging Casey in the grotto upstairs,” he said.

I chuckled. She had standards. Not that I'd ever say that to my friend, but it was the truth. A lot had changed since college, but the one constant was that Greg was still the immature, horny dick he'd always been.

At least there was some continuity in my life. Hooray for that.



“God, that guy is such a prick,” I muttered to Raya, who was standing beside Tommy at the bar. I looked over at my friend and chuckled, “I thought they banished you. Aren't you supposed to be in the back?”

Tommy looked over at her and shook his head. “She can't resist hanging around me,” he said. “She just has to be near me. I can't get rid of her.”

“Sure, buddy,” Raya laughed. “It's all about you, isn't it? Nah, I just needed some fresh air. I hate working in the back.”

“Then come back to the front,” Tommy said. “Sounds like an easy choice to me.”

“And look like a whore looking for her next sugardaddy?” she asked. “No thank you, I have standards.”

I threw a look her way. “Gee, thanks,” I said.

Raya laughed and waved me off. “You know I didn’t mean you,” she said. “Besides, I’m thinking about taking off anyway.”

“In the middle of your shift?” I cocked an eyebrow.

“Yeah, why not?” she smirked. “I can always get another job. This one is getting old anyway.”

“Must be nice,” I muttered. I looked up at my friend, and realized I'd miss her if she went. “You really going to leave me all alone? With him?”

I pointed at Tommy who was slinging drinks for a couple surfer-looking dudes further down the bar.

“Come with me,” Raya said, taking my hands in hers. She smiled wide. “We can work at some coffee house or get a job selling t-shirts on the boardwalk in Santa Monica. Anything beats this place.”

“Yeah, except the pay doesn't add up to the same,” I said. “And I have responsibilities. As much as I'd love to walk out, I'm going to have to pass.”

“Not everything is about money, Casey,” she whined

“Sure, except when you don't have enough to go around, or you're struggling to make ends meet, then it kinda is all about money.”

I groaned and walked away before I got into it with her. Raya's parents might have been hippies, like serious hippies that actually named their daughter Raya Sunshine, but they were fairly wealthy hippies. Not super rich like Malcolm Crane or his buddy Greg's parents, but well off enough that if Raya wanted to, she could just sit at home and make art all day, every day.