Page 224 of One More Time

What were the chances he'd be the one who saved my life?



“Heard anything about that girl you saved?” Jimmy asked me as we were ending yet another twenty-four shift at the firehouse.

“She's alive and is probably going to be released within a few days,” I said.

I tried not to think too much about Madison Haywood, or that night I found her tied up in a burning building.

“She's alive thanks to you, man,” Jimmy said, patting me on the back as we stepped outside into the chilly, Chicago air.

The Chicago wind was strong – naturally – and cold, making me pull my jacket in tighter around me. I loved this city, but winters could be brutal, and this year was no exception. No snow yet, but it was coming. I could feel it in the air. It was only a matter of time.

“Nah, it wasn't just me in there,” I said. “It never is. You know that.”

“But you're the one who found her and pulled her out of there.” Jimmy had a smile on his face. “I know her name. Isn't she some kind of local celebrity or some shit?”

“She has a podcast,” I mumbled.

“A podcast?” he asked. “About what?”

I knew all about Madison Talks Murder because I listened to her podcast. Often. I was impressed with her vast knowledge on the subject and with how far she'd come. I was also impressed with how often she turned out to be right about a case.

Most of the cases she took on were cold cases. Cases that had been dormant for years and years. Some of Chicago's most notorious crimes that were yet unsolved. Madison looked at the evidence, brought in experts, and used her whip-smart brain to come up with theories as to who was behind it.

All infused with her snarky-ass mouth, of course. It's part of what made her show so enjoyable – her personality.

“Yeah, umm... it's about murder and true crime,” I said, scratching my head. “Not that I really listen, or anything.”

“Maybe we should start,” Jimmy said with a wink.

“Yeah. Maybe.”

My reasons for listening were more complicated than just having an interest in the subject matter. Not that I expected her to remember me, but I'd known Madison years and years ago – long before she was famous. Hell, before she'd even gone away to college and achieved that impressive criminal science and journalism qualification that was making her so popular and successful today.

That was long before I became a firefighter. Before I even knew what I was going to do with my life. Back then, I was just another guy meandering through life without a plan. Without a clue. Just another guy who lusted after Madison – one in a very long line of guys who did.

She'd always had her fans, even back then. Being a tall natural blonde with blue eyes and the body of a supermodel, she'd always attracted attention wherever she went. But it was her mind – her love of reading and keeping up with current events – that first attracted me to her.

“Everything okay with you, Oliver?” Jimmy's voice intruded into my thoughts.

I blinked, staring back at my friend in confusion. We were an odd pair. Jimmy was about my age with dark hair and olive colored skin, thanks to his Italian heritage. He was five foot nine, stocky and stronger than a damn ox. Which was why he'd been able to carry my massive ass body out of that burning building.

“Yeah, I'm good,” I lied. “Just need some coffee.”

Really, I needed some sleep. And to check on Madison. To make sure she was doing okay. Not that it was any of my business.

“I hear that,” he said. “Get some rest, man.”

“Yeah, you too.”

I walked to my truck, climbed inside, and waved to Jimmy. He walked over to his SUV and, as the door opened, I saw the toys scattered all over the front seat. Kids, man. Som

etimes I forgot that Jimmy had kids. That he was more than just one of the guys. We rarely saw each other outside of work anymore, so it was easy to forget about the wife and babies.

I lowered the window on my truck and called out to him, “Tell Cassie I said hi.”