Page 164 of One More Time

“Breakfast?” I asked as I walked into the kitchen. Tommy and Sarah were already sitting at the kitchen table.

“Why can’t Emily come over?” Sarah asked.

I sighed and turned to face them. Sarah’s eyes were narrowed in the way they often did, challenging and demanding. Her expression wasn’t a surprise, but I was shocked to see it mirrored on Tommy’s face. His anger hit me harder than Sarah’s. It was unexpected, and it so rarely happened that I had to take a step back and recover before I spoke.

“Listen guys,” I said softly. “I’m interviewing a bunch of different nannies today, okay? I’ll find someone who’s just as great as Emily. Maybe even better.”

“That’s not possible,” Sarah said firmly. “Emily is the best.”

“I know you both liked Emily, but you’ll like the next person too,” I said. “I promise.”

Sarah rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. She turned around to face away from me and spent the rest of the morning pouting. Tommy just shrugged and accepted the bowl of cereal I placed in front of him. Sarah didn’t eat, but I wasn’t surprised. When she was angry, her favorite tactic was a hunger strike. I knew the second she got over to Mrs. Johnston’s, she would eat everything in sight, so I wasn’t worried.

“Come on,” I said, once Tommy was done eating. “Let’s head next door.”

“Why can’t we be here for the interviews?” Tommy asked. “Shouldn’t we meet the new nanny ourselves?”

“You will,” I said. “And if you don’t like whoever it is, then I’ll find someone new. Deal?”

Tommy nodded, but he still seemed upset. I sighed and followed the kids out of the house and across the yard. We stepped up to Mrs. Johnston’s door, and Sarah rang the bell.

“Hello there!” Mrs. Johnston said when she answered the door. “I’m so excited to hang out with you both today!”

“Do you have anything to eat?” Sarah asked.

“Sarah,” I said warningly.

“There’s muffins on the counter,” Mrs. Johnston said with a smile. “Go on in.”

Sarah and Tommy both ran into the house and disappeared into the kitchen. I just shook my head and smiled at Mrs. Johnston.

“Thank you for

doing this,” I said. “They aren’t too happy with me for letting Emily go.”

“I can’t say I blame them,” she said severely. “Emily is a wonderful girl. I’m not too happy with you myself.”

“There were just some things that wouldn’t have worked,” I said, feeling suddenly defensive.

“It’s none of my business,” Mrs. Johnston said, holding her hand up to silence me. “That’s just my two cents.”

“Well, I really appreciate your help today,” I said.


I left and Mrs. Johnston slowly closed the door behind me. It was hard enough having my own kids hate me, but for Mrs. Johnston to disapprove of my decision? I suddenly felt a wave of regret wash over me, but I forced it away. There was nothing I could do about it now. Emily was gone.

As I walked back inside my house, I checked the time. I only had ten minutes before the first interview was scheduled so I brewed a pot of coffee and poured myself a mug. Just then the doorbell rang, and I hurried forward to answer it.

There was a tall, skinny woman on the front steps. She was wearing workout clothes, and her hair was pulled back in a wet bun. Her face was covered in sweat, and she was jogging in place, bouncing up and down on my front porch.

I was confused. “Can I help you?”

“I’m Tamara,” she said with a smile. “I’m here to interview for the nanny position.”

I was instantly annoyed by this bouncing woman on my porch, but since I’d let Emily go, I didn’t have much choice but to invite her in.

My thoughts were jumbled from her constant movement. “Can you stand still?” I said irritably. “You’re distracting me.”