Page 156 of One More Time

I smiled and exited my car, then followed him inside, my eyes roaming over his body. He was tall, much taller than me. It was obvious he took care of himself. As I looked at him, my cheeks flushed. I shook my head and tried to pull myself together. Marveling at the sexiness of my potential boss was not the best way to start my new job. His attitude was probably for the best. It would keep me focused on what I was there for, which was the kids.

“How’s your morning going so far?” I asked, keeping my voice light and casual.

Sean shrugged. “Fine. The kids only just woke up.”

Sure enough, when we walked into the living room, I saw the kids sitting at the kitchen table. They were both still in pajamas. When they turned to look at me, there was trepidation in their eyes that I wasn’t used to. Most kids either looked overjoyed to meet the new caretaker, or they had a troublemaking glint in their eyes. These kids possessed neither. Instead, they simply eyed me closely, waiting for me to speak.

“Tommy,” Sean said. “Sarah. This is Emily.”

I smiled and walked over to sit down with them at the table. I’d found that it was easiest to just make myself comfortable. If I dawdled around awkwardly, the kids became more nervous.

“It’s so nice to meet you guys,” I said brightly.

“You too,” Tommy said politely. His cheeks were red, and his eyes darted between the table and my face.

“So,” I said. “Anyone hungry? How about some breakfast?”

“You can cook?” Tommy asked, surprised.

“I can,” I said proudly. “In fact, don’t tell anyone this, okay?”

“Okay.” Tommy nodded eagerly.

“I make the best french toast in Telluride,” I said, keeping my voice low and conspiratorial.

“You do?” Tommy asked, his eyes wide.

“Why’s that a secret?” Sarah asked sharply.

I looked at her with a smile, happy that she was finally speaking.

“Because,” I said. “If anyone else found out, they would break down my door every morning just to get some. I can’t have that, can I?”

“I bet they aren’t that good,” Sarah said.

“Sarah,” Sean said, a warning in his voice.

I glanced at him with a soft smile, silently telling him I could handle it.

“Well, I guess I’ll just have to prove it to you, won’t I?” I asked her.

Sarah eyed me for a few seconds. I looked back at her impassively. She was clearly in the challenging phase of childhood that I knew so well. As I watched her, her eyes narrowed, and she folded h

er arms across her chest.

“Are you going to be our new mommy?” she asked boldly.

Of all the things I expected her to say, this never even crossed my mind. I cleared my throat and shook my head.

“No,” I said kindly. “Of course not. I’m just here to help your daddy out. I’ll be your nanny.”

“What’s a nanny?” Tommy asked.

“It’s kind of like a babysitter,” I said. “Only I’m around more often.”

“Oh.” Tommy nodded, but I turned my attention back to Sarah.

“Is that okay with you, Sarah?” I asked.