Page 122 of One More Time

In some cases, love simply wasn't enough for a happily ever after. I was convinced that was the case with Eli and me. As much as I wanted it to work between us, the fact was, we were just too different. We wanted different things out of life.

I wanted a family, and Eli wanted – well, whatever it was Eli wanted. It was obviously not a nice stable life with a family, and a home white picket fence. That much was for certain.

Those differences made us completely incompatible – no matter how well our bodies seemed to fit together.


With only about four hours of sleep under my belt, I forced myself to get up. I had been lying in bed for a while, staring at the ceiling and listening for movement in the living room. Eli never came back and joined me back in the bedroom, and I felt so alone.

My body still ached from the night before. It was the kind of ache you felt only after a night of lovemaking, where your body is stretched and sore. But, it was usually a nice reminder of the pleasure you experienced the night before.

That morning though, it wasn't a nice reminder. The stiffness and soreness in my body reminded me of what I couldn't have. More than that, it reminded me of how powerless I felt to resist Eli. It reminded me that he's the only man who's ever made me orgasm during sex – and he might be the only man who ever can. Which meant, I might live one long, unsatisfied life.

No, there had to be someone else out there. He couldn't be the only one - could he?

I threw on my pajamas from the night before and quietly opened the door to the living room. It was completely still and silent. It was almost like the house was empty except for me. After standing in the doorway a moment, I walked down the hallway and saw why. Eli was passed out on the couch, on his side. Aubree was in the crib, but Eli's hand rested beside her, next to her tiny little body as if he'd been comforting her when he fell asleep. They both looked so peaceful and calm. It was such a sweet scene, I didn't dare wake them up, so instead of making coffee, I closed the bedroom door and decided to shower instead.


i's scent lingered on me, and as much as I wanted to curl up with that scent on me and fall back to sleep, I decided that it was better to wash it away instead. Standing underneath the warm spray of water, I closed my eyes and let the warmth wash over me. The water soothed me, eased some of the aching in my joints and muscles. Cleared my head a bit. I didn't know how long I'd been standing there when I heard a sound – like the bathroom door opening. Eyes wide and my heart thundering in my chest, I jumped and peered out from behind the shower curtain.

My breath caught in my throat when I saw Eli standing there in all his naked glory. My eyes moved slowly down from his chest. A chiseled chest that featured several new tattoos since the last time I'd seen him completely naked. His brown hair fell in messy waves down over his shoulders and curled at his jaw bone. A thick beard was forming along his chin and jaw, as if he'd simply forgotten to shave recently. Knowing him, he probably had. The dark hair continued down his chest, as if pointing down further – and I followed the line of hair until it rested in the sexy little v just above his pelvic bone.

Something inside of me tightened up, and I couldn't breathe, much less speak, as my gaze moved lower and lower until I was looking at eight inches of rock solid cock, hard and glistening at the tip.

He sidled into the shower with me, which barely fit one person, let alone two. So, we were standing close together – very close. He leaned down and embraced me, pulling me even closer as he nuzzled his face into my neck. I couldn't breathe, much less speak, the feeling of his hard prick pressed against my body simultaneously arousing and scaring me.

“I'm sorry I didn't come back to bed. I fell asleep on the couch,” he whispered, kissing his way down the length of my neck.

His teeth gently nibbled along the flesh of my neck, making me shudder. Feeling his hands and mouth on me – not to mention that gloriously hard cock against my belly – made my knees grow weak, and my body relaxed into his arms.

With the heat between my thighs flaring, I felt myself giving into the temptation. Felt myself sliding down that slippery slope that led us to the bedroom – something I vowed would never happen again. Something I couldn't let happen again.

“Eli, wait,” I said, putting my hands on his chest.

I pushed him away gently, trying to stop that train before it really got rolling. He stopped kissing my neck and looked into my eyes, his hair now wet and sticking to his face as droplets of water fell from his golden skin.

“I think we need to talk,” I said. “Don't you?”

“We can talk later,” he said. “Right now, I just want to make you come again.”

He dropped to his knees in front of me and pushed me back against the shower wall. I resisted at first, but his hands were strong. Firm. They held me in place. As his hands moved along my hips, holding me close to him as he kissed my inner thighs, I felt my resolve begin to weaken. Felt a massive wave of heat and moisture growing between my thighs.

I looked down to see him looking up at me. Those brown eyes of his were watching me, and I could have – should have – told him to stop. But, I waited too long. His tongue flicked at my clit and I fell back against the wall, opening up for him. As if taking my cue, he quickly drove his face between my legs, licking and sucking and fucking me with his tongue.

My body was on fire. I never wanted this to stop, I wanted to be with Eli in every way possible, and he had always been so good with his mouth. He ate pussy like a man with something to prove. Like someone who enjoyed every second of what he was doing. He ground his face into me, soft moans escaping his mouth as he pleasured me with his tongue, holding me against the shower wall so he could hit all the right spots. I leaned my head back against the shower wall and cried out softly, a million sensations coursing through my body.

“Jesus Christ,” I whimpered, grabbing onto his head and pressing him against me harder as I felt the first wave of my orgasm approaching.

Eli could read my body like a book. He knew I was close and kept up the tempo – hitting the right spots inside of me over and over again as I crested the peak and came crashing down, my fingers entangled in his hair. I tried to keep the volume down, but I couldn't help it.

I screamed out his name, “Eli! Yes!”

He grunted, burying his tongue inside of me with my pussy spasming uncontrollably. Waves of sensation rolled through me like a powerful tide. All the while, Eli continued to lick and suck on me, prolonging the pleasure gripping my body.

Slowly, the ecstasy of that powerful orgasm faded, and my body was left trembling, my heart hammering inside of me, and an awkward, crooked smile upon my lips.

“God, I'll never get tired of making you come,” he growled, getting up off his knees and pressing himself against me.