Page 51 of One More Time

I smoothed my hands down my shirt as Chanel got dressed, and then the two of us stepped out into the hallway. My hands worked diligently to open the door as quietly as I could, not wanting to disturb the scene I was so sure we would find. We poked our heads in and walked around the corner.

Sure enough, Tommy and Ana were in bed tangled up in one another’s arms.

“Oh, she is never living this down,” Chanel said.

“Why not?” I asked.

“I’ve been telling her all damn week that she’s got a thing for Tommy. She has never slept over with a guy. Ever.”

“Never?” I asked.

“Nope. Not once. It’s how she keeps her distance and ‘keeps things fun,’ whatever the hell that means,” she said.

“That sounds like Tommy,” I said.

The two of them began to stir, so we ran out of the room. Chanel was falling apart in a fit of giggles as we stood by the door to her room. It was so nice to see her happy and smiling like the weight of the world had been lifted from her shoulders. I got my first good look at her in the outfit she had chosen since we’d first gotten up, and it tugged at my cock. It was a wispy little decorative skirt and a painfully tight tank top t

hat hugged her curves but left a bit to the imagination.

She looked outstanding, and I had to suppress a groan of satisfaction at how shapely her body was in all of it.

“You up for some breakfast?” I asked.

“Will you come with me?” Chanel asked.

“I’m not leaving your side. That was the deal,” I said.

“Then I’m fine with breakfast. Come on.”

“Okay, and then after breakfast, we’re going to talk to security about Luke,” I said.

Chanel fell quiet but nodded her head. “Okay, after breakfast.”

The two of us made our way to breakfast and had an itinerary shoved into our hands. Our class was gathered once again for another meal everyone couldn't have cared less about. Chanel and I went through the line, getting our plates of food and mugs of coffee. Then we found a darkened table in a corner away from everyone else, so we could look at the piece of paper Connie Thomas had shoved into our hands.

“Cirque du Soleil?” Chanel asked.

“Have you ever seen them?” I asked.

“No, but is the event room big enough for them?”

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Don’t they do all that high-flying stuff?”

“Some of their acts, sure. But they have smaller ones as well.”

“Have you seen them?” she asked.

“No, but I’ve heard about them. Seen some of their stuff on YouTube.”

“There’s a show this afternoon. A live performance. Want to go?”

“I’ve always wanted to see them perform. I’m up for it,” I said.

“Good, because you wouldn’t have had a choice. I’m going, and there’s nothing you can do about it since you’re assigned to guard my body and all.”

“I wouldn't want to keep you from something that would make you smile anyway,” I said.