
“Never,” I said.

“Well, try. Now go pack and get on that damn plane tomorrow. And talk to the man. Because if you roll back into this city and the first thing out of your mouth is, ‘I wish I’d talked to him,’ I’m gonna slap you silly.”

“Fine, fine. Get off it already,” I told her, laughing softly.

“Okay, girl. You know I’m right here. You can call me anytime. Let me know what airport you’re flying into and I’ll meet you there.”

“Okay,” I said. “I love you.”

“I love you too, Brooke. Come home. We’ll figure it out from there.”

Hanging up the phone, I rolled over onto my side. I could hear the kids laughing as Kevin chased them around upstairs. I curled up in the middle of the bed as my tears wet the comforter below my face and my chest began to heave. I sobbed as I pulled the comforter from the edges of the bed, wrapping myself up in it as best as I could. The emotions of the last week had a firm grip on me and released themselves at the most inopportune times.

I didn’t know what I was going to do from here, I just wanted to go home.



I eyed Brooke carefully on the jet ride home. I had heard her crying the day before as I helped the kids pack upstairs. I had wanted to intervene, to pick her up in my arms and hold her closely like I had my children. I wanted to be the comfort I knew she needed during this time, but something stopped me.

For some reason, I felt like she needed that time to herself. And it was the very least I could do for her.

The closer the plane got to LAX, the more I dreaded our departure. Every single part of me wanted to ask her to stay. To ask her to come home with the kids and I and stay with us for a while. I wondered where in L.A. she lived. And if she would consider becoming our full-time nanny and staying with the kids. She could be a live-in. I’d make room for her. She could have guests and a house key and come and go as she pleased. I’d pay her handsomely. I’d pay her every pe

nny I thought she was worth after everything we had been through.


“Hmm?” I asked.

“You have a phone call,” the stewardess said.

“Hello?” I asked.

“Kevin, it’s me.”

“Sarah,” I said, as I looked over at Brooke.

The kids were asleep against her, but I couldn't tell if she was asleep or merely staring out the window.

“I was wondering if you guys were still on the island.”

“No. We’re in the air headed home,” I said.

“Oh, good. I just got back a couple of hours ago. I couldn't stay there.”

“Me neither,” I said.

“I wanted to talk with you about what I mentioned the other night,” she said.

“Can we do this another time?” I asked.

“Please, Kevin. Talk to me. Please don’t keep putting me off. I want to make amends.”

“I know you do, but I’m not prepared to talk about it right now.”