“But it’s better that way, right? For me to land at home and get back to my life,” I said.

“It’s whatever you want, Brooke. You’ve spent your entire life doing what you thought was right. Maybe it’s time to do what you want to do for once.”

“The last time I did what I wanted to do, I got kidnapped.”

“Nope. You felt you had to do that because you blamed yourself for Sydney being taken. I don’t think you wanted to do whatever the hell it was you convinced them to do. I think you felt a responsibility to do it. Which is all the more reason for you to do something you want to do for once.”

“I don’t know,” I said. “I still have that book to finish and—”

“Have you talked to Kevin about this?”


“Have you talked with Kevin about the possibility of staying?”

“None of us wants to stay on this island,” I said.

“Not that, Brooke. I meant staying with them. Have you told him you’re going to miss him?”


“Don’t you think you should?”

“I don’t know, Morgan. The past week has been literal hell. I just don’t know if either of us is up for that right now,” I said.

“You need to talk to Kevin about this sooner rather than later. Otherwise, you’ll land in L.A. and go back to your life always wondering what would have happened had you opened your mouth and spoken from your heart.”

“Fine, you’re right. Are you happy?” I asked.

“Oh, yes. I love those two words. I get off on them.”

I giggled and shook my head as I drew in a deep breath.

“It’s not the right time,” I said.

“Why not?” Morgan asked.

“Because he just got his daughter back. Because the last thing I need to hit him with right now is a bunch of questions about the status of our relationship. We both knew this was temporary and that when the vacation was over, we would go our separate ways and he would pay me for the job.”

“But then you fell in love with him.”

“Excuse me?”

“Oh, come on. I’m your best damn friend, Brooke. I know when you’re in love. And girl, you’ve got it bad for Kevin. Again.”

“I’m not in love with him.”

“Then you’re damn close to it. Look, the circumstances changed. And they probably changed for him, too. You all went through a lot together. And you don’t save a man’s daughter without earning some sort of closer relationship with him. So, I think the conversation is worth having.”

“At the right time,” I said.

“Fine. At any right time between now and before you leave the island tomorrow.”

I fell back down onto the bed and let the softness of the sheets encompass my body. I knew Morgan was right. This was a conversation I needed to have with Kevin. But I wasn’t ready to have it. After everything we had been through, I wasn’t prepared for the possibility of rejection.

“You done?” Morgan asked.

“Done doing what?”