wanted to rejoice in, I wasn’t going to take that from them.

Following Kevin’s lead, I let them talk about all the things we would do on the plane going home.

“Could you excuse me for a second?” I asked. “I want to go call Morgan.”

“You do whatever you want,” Kevin said. “The kids and I are going to go upstairs and pack.”

“Sounds like a good idea. I should do the same thing.”

“Don’t wear yourself out,” he said.

I saw Kevin’s eyes fall to the bruises on my cheeks, then he took the hands of his children and led them upstairs to pack.

I finished off the rest of my breakfast and even took a few bites of Sydney’s. I was hungrier than I thought. I filled up my coffee mug one last time, then slowly made my way to the guest bedroom. I sat down on the edge of the mattress and sighed as tears sprang to my eyes.

It felt so good to be back in this room.

“Brooke! What the hell? I’ve been trying to call you for fucking days,” Morgan said.

“Well, I’m here,” I said.

“Where the fuck have you been?” she asked.

I drew in a deep breath before my mouth ran away from me.

“We found Sydney, but at a cost. We worked with the police to set up a sting to pay the ransom. The point was to put a tracking device on me so if they took me instead of the money they could follow it back to where Sydney was being kept.”

“What the fuck? Brooke. When the hell are you coming home? This has gone on long enough.”

“I know, I know. And I’m fine. And Sydney’s fine. We’re packing up and heading out tomorrow,” I said.

“Good. Because that island has held nothing but heartache for you since we fucking got there. Are you sure you’re okay?”

“Depends on how you define okay. I’m a bit bruised, but it’ll fade with time.”

“Bruised? What the—? You know what? We’ll talk about this when you get home. All I’m saying is that if you aren’t on a plane tomorrow, I’m flying out there and personally dragging your ass home.”

“I love you too, Morgan.”

“You let that asshole of a man know I’m coming for him. How the hell could my best friend have been abducted and he not even fucking call me?”

“He probably wasn’t thinking straight.”

“Then it’s about time he fucking started.”


“Sorry. Sorry. I’m just—fuck me, girl. I’m glad you’re okay.”

I heard Morgan sniffle before she cleared her throat.

“Can I admit something to you?” I asked.

“Of course,” she said.

“Despite all of this, I think I’m actually going to miss Kevin and the kids.”

“That doesn’t surprise me. If you were willing to do all that to get his daughter back, I figured a bond must have developed somewhere.”